Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Made in Owatonna-Workforce Event

Cindy Rossow with Cedar Gallery shares her education
background and work history and how it's served
her in owning her own business.
Made in Owatonna is an event partnership between the Owatonna High School and OACCT that brought business together with business class and Options students on April 24th. The day was outlined with numerous speakers and included two manufacturing facility tours.

Manufacturing, service and retail sectors were represented as well as a myriad of career options available in Owatonna from the twelve participating speakers.

Jeff Dahle with Vision Processing Technologies gives a
brief tour of the machines used to make the
powdered product for K-Cups.
All kinds of advice from strong math skills in addition to any technical skill is imperative.  Also soft skills like communication, being punctual and dressing the part were shared from business speakers.  They offered insights on classes to pursue in college, networking, the importance of diversifying within business.  It was also shared to have an initial career goal, but have other options and back up plans as life and circumstances change.

Other advice shared was the importance of resume building and interviewing skills.  Presenting yourself well, keeping a focused resume and researching the company you're applying and job seeking with is important.

Thanks to OHS students and participating businesses and speakers for making the Made in Owatonna workforce event such a success!

Advantage Cabinets-Scott Kubicek        
MMP-Dave Pfieffer                                                          
Cedar Gallery-Cindy Rossow                                            
Owatonna Ford-Chrysler-Craig Herz
Vision Processing Technologies-Melody Hanson, Ben Utigard, Jeff Dahle
Cybex-John Champa, Kelly Anderson, Shawn Tramp
Country Inn & Suites-Kelly Boomgarden
Hy-Vee-Lucas Glasgow
Fernbrook Family Center-Brittanie Schaffer

John Champa with Cybex shared company history,
product information, as well as skills need for various engineering

Amy Mussman with Cybex gives students a tour of the
facility showing how product is made from start to finish.

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