Brad Meier, OACCT president/CEO As properties have been assessed and Notice of Valuation and Classification statements have been sent, now is your opportunity to review your 2012 property’s market value for accuracy.
Do your research If you’re unsure on the taxable figure, “do your research first,” states the Minnesota Property Tax Division. Begin by contacting our county’s assessor’s office (444-7435 or
assessor@co.steele.mn.us). -Verify information about your property like dimensions, age and condition of the structure. -Review records to determine the market value of similar property in the area. -Check real estate ads in the local paper or online to get an idea of the asking price on local properties. -Ask the assessor to explain the criteria used for classifying your property.
Appealing your assessment You have the right to appeal your market value estimate and/or property classification if you feel your property is: -Classified improperly -Valued at an amount higher that you could sell your property for. -Valued at a different level from similar property in your area. Both the Steele County Assessor’s Office and the Minnesota Property Tax Division strongly recommend talking to the assessor first to discuss a change in your assessment. If you and the assessor are unable to agree, formal methods of appeal are available.
Local Board of Appeal and Equalization You can start with your local board of appeal (i.e. township or city officials). Township meeting dates are posted at Owatonna.org/appeal dates. The city of Owatonna is meeting Monday, April 25th at 7 PM at the City Administration Building.
County Board of Appeal and Equalization If you are not satisfied with the decision of the township or city decision, you can appeal to the County Board of Appeal and Equalization. This board is set to meet on June 16, at 4:30 PM at the Steele County Administration Center Boardroom.
Minnesota Tax Court You have until April 30th for the year the tax becomes payable to appeal your assessment to the Minnesota Tax Court (i.e. April 30, 2012 to appeal for 2012 taxes). For the fact sheet on these steps or for the Property Tax Administrator’s manual, visit our homepage links entitled Tax Valuation Fact Sheet and Property Tax Administrator’s Manual at
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