City Council Meeting
November 1, 2011
· There was a Yellow Ribbon Proclamation from the Governor
· Main topic of the meeting was the issue of Chart Industries moving into the Slidell building.
Authorization of JOBZ benefits – approved
Dependent on the creation of 100 new jobs (must be maintained)
· Property Tax exemption till 2015
· Some sales tax incentives
· Income tax incentives
Economic Development Program and Project Funding
$500,000 loan ($5,000 per job)
Forgivable loan if the jobs are maintained
Amendment to Indenture and Agreement related to Replacement Industrial Development Revenue Bonds
Existing bonds of $4M to be taken over by Chart
· Paid only on revenue generation
· There were a series of proposed assessments for the 2011 improvements
Discussion was brought up about the term of
these assessments
The length of the term would vary, but the
interest rate was set at 7%. The council
members agreed to the terms at this point, but wanted to have the city to look
into adjusting the interest rate. Ray
Truelson brought up that the interest rate was too high seeing as one could
borrow money today at a much cheaper rate.
· Approval of Licenses and permits and other misc.
Monday, November 07, 2011
Study Session-City Public Works
Public Works – Study Session
November 1, 2011
The study session for the Public Works department was broken
out into their sub-departments with representatives from those areas. Jeff Johnson, the City Engineer, presented most of the material. He did use some of his staff to dive into mare of the details.
Most of the comments revolved around the topic of doing more with less. This statement was made a number of times – basically at the start of each of the sub-departments.
The first area was engineering. Jeff talked about personnel and how they have been reduced by three staff members. I thought I heard him say that they have gone from 9 people down to six since 2003 (the date is what I am unsure of). Jeff believed that they needed to hire someone for a GIS Position. I believe this refers to Geographic Information Systems. After looking it up, basically means that they will need someone to manage and analyze geographical data – if that is what the acronym that they used stands for (they realized about 2/3’s of the way through that they needed to explain the acronyms they were using). Some other requests that Jeff had was a new software system – they referred to a “Technology Roadmap”. Also they said they needed a new van and a copier.
The next area was the airport. This I was impressed with. The airport’s goal is to become entirely
self-sufficient and they have a plan to do so.
Much of that will rely on the fuels sales for revenue. I really liked the fact that they had a
separate strategic plan that the Airport Commission uses to evaluate where they are at and hold themselves accountable.
In my evaluation, this was the only area that resembled management similar to what we would see in any private business. I think this should be looked into and possibly expanded. Granted it has some similarity to private business, where there is actually a primary revenue source outside of tax dollars.
The street department became very lengthy as there was a lot of discussion about maintaining the roads and snow removal. Again, they were doing “more with less”. The issue is having enough skilled plow drivers to keep up with the snow removal. Mark from the street
department did not believe that it was possible. I did like that the idea of looking at
outside contracts was a possibility. It was not agreed to at this point, but I hope that they do look into it. This would show that they are looking at ways to be more efficient and maybe save some money by contracting it out. At least it would add in a competitive bid and really force the City to match up their actual costs of snow removal. Jeff did mention that they received $41,000
in state aid for road maintenance. He said this was received twice a year and I am not sure if the $41,000 was a total figure of if they got that twice a year from the state. There was also a brief mention of $1M in construction funds. The street department was also asking for a new street sweeper, tractor and loader as well as a new plow truck (this was their top three, they did have additional requests).
The last area was waste water. Jeff talked about the projects that have been completed and those that were still going on. They also discussed the process of how they dispose of the “sludge” and
the capacity limitations that could become an issue. Jeff said that we have a 5 Million Gallon a
Day capacity and have been running at around 4 MGD. If we see an increase in some of the industry in Owatonna, the capacity will become a bigger issue, but we are okay for now.
The meeting ran long and I did not get a chance to ask our three questions, however, Les Abraham asked me what I thought of the process. I explained that I was still trying to understand it as it is different than the way a business would set a budget. I explained to him that I was impressed with what I heard from the airport department and would like to see
that expanded. We are definitely making an impression and I feel that the city is recognizing that they need to be held accountable.
Mike Milstead
Ag Power Enterprises,
November 1, 2011
The study session for the Public Works department was broken
out into their sub-departments with representatives from those areas. Jeff Johnson, the City Engineer, presented most of the material. He did use some of his staff to dive into mare of the details.
Most of the comments revolved around the topic of doing more with less. This statement was made a number of times – basically at the start of each of the sub-departments.
The first area was engineering. Jeff talked about personnel and how they have been reduced by three staff members. I thought I heard him say that they have gone from 9 people down to six since 2003 (the date is what I am unsure of). Jeff believed that they needed to hire someone for a GIS Position. I believe this refers to Geographic Information Systems. After looking it up, basically means that they will need someone to manage and analyze geographical data – if that is what the acronym that they used stands for (they realized about 2/3’s of the way through that they needed to explain the acronyms they were using). Some other requests that Jeff had was a new software system – they referred to a “Technology Roadmap”. Also they said they needed a new van and a copier.
The next area was the airport. This I was impressed with. The airport’s goal is to become entirely
self-sufficient and they have a plan to do so.
Much of that will rely on the fuels sales for revenue. I really liked the fact that they had a
separate strategic plan that the Airport Commission uses to evaluate where they are at and hold themselves accountable.
In my evaluation, this was the only area that resembled management similar to what we would see in any private business. I think this should be looked into and possibly expanded. Granted it has some similarity to private business, where there is actually a primary revenue source outside of tax dollars.
The street department became very lengthy as there was a lot of discussion about maintaining the roads and snow removal. Again, they were doing “more with less”. The issue is having enough skilled plow drivers to keep up with the snow removal. Mark from the street
department did not believe that it was possible. I did like that the idea of looking at
outside contracts was a possibility. It was not agreed to at this point, but I hope that they do look into it. This would show that they are looking at ways to be more efficient and maybe save some money by contracting it out. At least it would add in a competitive bid and really force the City to match up their actual costs of snow removal. Jeff did mention that they received $41,000
in state aid for road maintenance. He said this was received twice a year and I am not sure if the $41,000 was a total figure of if they got that twice a year from the state. There was also a brief mention of $1M in construction funds. The street department was also asking for a new street sweeper, tractor and loader as well as a new plow truck (this was their top three, they did have additional requests).
The last area was waste water. Jeff talked about the projects that have been completed and those that were still going on. They also discussed the process of how they dispose of the “sludge” and
the capacity limitations that could become an issue. Jeff said that we have a 5 Million Gallon a
Day capacity and have been running at around 4 MGD. If we see an increase in some of the industry in Owatonna, the capacity will become a bigger issue, but we are okay for now.
The meeting ran long and I did not get a chance to ask our three questions, however, Les Abraham asked me what I thought of the process. I explained that I was still trying to understand it as it is different than the way a business would set a budget. I explained to him that I was impressed with what I heard from the airport department and would like to see
that expanded. We are definitely making an impression and I feel that the city is recognizing that they need to be held accountable.
Mike Milstead
Ag Power Enterprises,
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Businesses and Government Contracts

Have you ever thought about doing business with local, city, county, state, or federal government? Think of all of the services and goods required - from websites, cleaning supplies, training, furniture, transportation, national defense projects to even simple things like pencils and paperclips… Government contacts are a great way to grow, expand, or diversify your existing business to generate more revenue! However, there are basic requirements and some strategic business planning that will need to take place, much like any other business venture, in order to make sure your business is positioned to obtain, maintain, and execute successful contracts. We can help you get started!
Through the Department of Commerce, Minnesota's Procurement and Technical Assistance Program (PTAC) offers all Minnesota business the opportunity to identify new and existing market opportunities. PTAC will also advise, assist, and prepare businesses and minority businesses with required applications, certifications, and registrations necessary in order to coordinate the next steps. In addition to business meetings with new and existing clients, workshops, events, networking, awards, and other opportunities are made available Statewide. Minority owned businesses are encouraged to apply.
Once government contract(s) are obtained, there may be additional requirements to maintain general compliance agreements with the overseeing agency involved. For an example, Federal Contractors should periodically review the Department of Labor (DOL) regulations and become familiar with the Office of Federal Contract Compliance (OFCCP), which plays an important role in enforcing the law to ensure affirmative action and equal employment opportunity requirements of those who do business with the Federal government. Businesses may be required to hire and track recruitment efforts of specific targeted groups, such as Veterans and other targeted groups, as specified by the law.
So what are some simple, no-cost solutions to help employers with existing contracts connect with Veterans? Businesses are encouraged to register on Minnesota's Official State Labor Exchange website, to post and track jobs. For information on tax credits, (up to $4,800.00 per qualifying Veteran hire); for general recruitment assistance; and for help connecting to Veteran's networking groups, local events, and awards for employers who hire Veterans; please contact Minnesota Business Services for no-fee resources to help your business with OFCCP compliance.
Finally, the Defense Alliance aims to enhance the already-successful network of people and firms created by the Minnesota Defense Industry Roundtable (and the associated on-line Newsletter) begun in 2003. The ultimate goal is to network and expand the defense industry job base and further promote this region's important contributions to the Nation’s defense. Membership is free. Click on the above link for more information.
Need more information about obtaining government contracts? Watch the hour-long BusinessConnection webinar recorded December 8, 2010 Government Contracts: How To Obtain and Keep Them.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
City CouncilNotes-Aug. 16, 2011
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2011 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
·Meeting started with a resolution to modify TIF No. 3-1.
-This was a result of the agreement that the city had with the Coke distributor in the industrial park.
· Authorization to purchase the 800 MGHZ radios - approved
-This would be for police/fire and other emergency personnel.
-Request was for about 260 radios
§Discussions as to why they needed that many – actually a reduction form what they had
§Some will have portable radios as well as radios in their vehicles
§Discussion about the $45,000 in sales tax assessed by the state. The City and the County were going to work together to form a resolution to propose to the state legislature to get that waived
· Installation of new stop sign at Austin Rd and Park – approved
-Could be installed as soon as 8/17/11
·Reduce speed limit on Cherry St and Mineral Springs Prkwy - approved
-With the construction on Mineral Springs Rd there is added traffic along the detour route
-The road by Mineral Springs Park is very narrow and there is a lot of pedestrian traffic
-Again could happen as quickly as 8/17/11
· Approve the bid & award the contract for the airport rehabilitation paving project – approved
-$13,000 in cost to the city. This is 5% of the bid as the other 95% with come from Federal funding
·Variance from DM&E Railroad for the Mineral Springs reconstruction project – approved
-No discussion
·Approve plans and specs for the bids for the 2011 SE storm sewer improvements – approved
-No discussion
· Supplemental Agreement No.1 & 2 for the 24th Ave and NW Bituminous reclamation project – approved
-No discussion
· Supplemental Agreement No.1 for the Mineral Springs pavement reconstruction project – approved
-No discussion
·Memorandums of Agreement – Local No.320 - approved
-This was an issue of confusion with the parameters of sick leave for the members of the Local No.230 – mainly police
-Wanted to clarify what was covered under the sick leave policy
·Meeting started with a resolution to modify TIF No. 3-1.
-This was a result of the agreement that the city had with the Coke distributor in the industrial park.
· Authorization to purchase the 800 MGHZ radios - approved
-This would be for police/fire and other emergency personnel.
-Request was for about 260 radios
§Discussions as to why they needed that many – actually a reduction form what they had
§Some will have portable radios as well as radios in their vehicles
§Discussion about the $45,000 in sales tax assessed by the state. The City and the County were going to work together to form a resolution to propose to the state legislature to get that waived
· Installation of new stop sign at Austin Rd and Park – approved
-Could be installed as soon as 8/17/11
·Reduce speed limit on Cherry St and Mineral Springs Prkwy - approved
-With the construction on Mineral Springs Rd there is added traffic along the detour route
-The road by Mineral Springs Park is very narrow and there is a lot of pedestrian traffic
-Again could happen as quickly as 8/17/11
· Approve the bid & award the contract for the airport rehabilitation paving project – approved
-$13,000 in cost to the city. This is 5% of the bid as the other 95% with come from Federal funding
·Variance from DM&E Railroad for the Mineral Springs reconstruction project – approved
-No discussion
·Approve plans and specs for the bids for the 2011 SE storm sewer improvements – approved
-No discussion
· Supplemental Agreement No.1 & 2 for the 24th Ave and NW Bituminous reclamation project – approved
-No discussion
· Supplemental Agreement No.1 for the Mineral Springs pavement reconstruction project – approved
-No discussion
·Memorandums of Agreement – Local No.320 - approved
-This was an issue of confusion with the parameters of sick leave for the members of the Local No.230 – mainly police
-Wanted to clarify what was covered under the sick leave policy
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
County Board Notes-Aug. 9 2011
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2011 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Award 800 MHz Tower Bids - They approved the bid of $121,806.00.
New Radios - They approved purchase not to exceed $50,000.00.
Crane Creek Asphalt Plant (Hope Pit) - Temporary plant approved.
Ed's Backhoe/Brady Pit - Permit to remove gravel with stipulation that past aggregate tax be paid prior to issuing permit.
Beacon Project Consortium Agreement - Approved implementing and training of new software.
Customized Living Court Agreement - County lost case with Mr. Young, but will work with the City Attorney to formulate a plan for future cases.
Scat Bus Purchase - Approved to purchase new bus from North Central, but no dollar amount disclosed. They will look to sell the older bus. Fair board is using the scat bus and the director will work with them to see why.
Houck Advertising Contract - They approved to a 1 year contract to allow Houck to put advertising on the Scat Bus for a 50/50 split.
Lobby Monitors - They approved a cost of more than $2,000.00 to add electronic billboards to be installed in the main areas of Human Services to let people know of other programs and information.
Sex Offenders Cost - The state has just passed a cost increase from 10% to 25% for the housing of Sex Offenders. Current cost is $328.00 per day. There are also many other changes, but they will even out the cost to the county.
Access Variance Request NRHEG Schools - Approved
Access Variance Request Lyle Meschke - ApprovedAccess Variance Request Irv Jensen - Approved
Culvert Repair - Approved $27,600.00
Quote for Television/Locating WPA Tile Line in Hope - Approved cost at $210.00/Hr., not to exceed $40,000.00
Award 800 MHz Tower Bids - They approved the bid of $121,806.00.
New Radios - They approved purchase not to exceed $50,000.00.
Crane Creek Asphalt Plant (Hope Pit) - Temporary plant approved.
Ed's Backhoe/Brady Pit - Permit to remove gravel with stipulation that past aggregate tax be paid prior to issuing permit.
Beacon Project Consortium Agreement - Approved implementing and training of new software.
Customized Living Court Agreement - County lost case with Mr. Young, but will work with the City Attorney to formulate a plan for future cases.
Scat Bus Purchase - Approved to purchase new bus from North Central, but no dollar amount disclosed. They will look to sell the older bus. Fair board is using the scat bus and the director will work with them to see why.
Houck Advertising Contract - They approved to a 1 year contract to allow Houck to put advertising on the Scat Bus for a 50/50 split.
Lobby Monitors - They approved a cost of more than $2,000.00 to add electronic billboards to be installed in the main areas of Human Services to let people know of other programs and information.
Sex Offenders Cost - The state has just passed a cost increase from 10% to 25% for the housing of Sex Offenders. Current cost is $328.00 per day. There are also many other changes, but they will even out the cost to the county.
Access Variance Request NRHEG Schools - Approved
Access Variance Request Lyle Meschke - ApprovedAccess Variance Request Irv Jensen - Approved
Culvert Repair - Approved $27,600.00
Quote for Television/Locating WPA Tile Line in Hope - Approved cost at $210.00/Hr., not to exceed $40,000.00
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Help with Starting a Green Business

Looking for expansion or relocation opportunities for your clean-technology or renewable energy company? Want to improve your company's efficiency? Let the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development's Green Enterprise Assistance team put you on the right track in Minnesota.
A collaboration of several state agencies, the Green Enterprise Assistance team can help you cut through the thicket of programs, services, and agencies to find the right answers and right resources for your clean-technology or renewable energy company.
From financial assistance to navigating legal and regulatory matters we'll guide you to the resources and expertise you'll need.
The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development manages the GEA program. Call 651-259-7437 for more information or complete and submit this electronic form and we will contact you.
Monday, August 01, 2011
County Board Notes-July 26, 2011
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2011 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Today’s meetings centered around the Owatonna belt line corridor study.
Specifically discussed were the expansion/extension options of county road 171/180.
There were 3 main options presented. Each option involved slightly different configurations as well as different needs to obtain certain properties.
Option A1 and detailed attaining 8 different properties at a total cost of $700,000.
Option E1 record the purchase of 6 properties costing $477,000.
Option F1 cost $500,000 requiring the purchase of 5 properties.
A multitude of scenarios was discussed including moving the diagram of Highway 171 slightly
North to separate from railroad tracks.
There was also discussion about adding a possible county park should extra land be available similar to the Crane Creek Park on Highway 14.
They discussed the concern that some of the properties on the east side of Highway 43 would not be able to go southbound without making a U-turn and therefore some adaptation would have to be made should option F1 be chosen.
There was also significant discussion regarding building improvements made on properties 6 and 7 and a potential significant increase in cost to purchase that land at this time.
The two options it seemed the most desirable or option A1 despite its cost and option F1 with the additional purchase of property 4.
Today’s meetings centered around the Owatonna belt line corridor study.
Specifically discussed were the expansion/extension options of county road 171/180.
There were 3 main options presented. Each option involved slightly different configurations as well as different needs to obtain certain properties.
Option A1 and detailed attaining 8 different properties at a total cost of $700,000.
Option E1 record the purchase of 6 properties costing $477,000.
Option F1 cost $500,000 requiring the purchase of 5 properties.
A multitude of scenarios was discussed including moving the diagram of Highway 171 slightly
North to separate from railroad tracks.
There was also discussion about adding a possible county park should extra land be available similar to the Crane Creek Park on Highway 14.
They discussed the concern that some of the properties on the east side of Highway 43 would not be able to go southbound without making a U-turn and therefore some adaptation would have to be made should option F1 be chosen.
There was also significant discussion regarding building improvements made on properties 6 and 7 and a potential significant increase in cost to purchase that land at this time.
The two options it seemed the most desirable or option A1 despite its cost and option F1 with the additional purchase of property 4.
Monday, July 25, 2011
July 2011 Talk of the Town
Chamber President Brad Meier discusses upcoming events and the Chamber's efforts in the upcoming City Budget.
Appx. 20 min.
Appx. 20 min.
Friday, July 22, 2011
BusinessConnection: Advertising Info
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
City Council Notes-July 19, 2011
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2011 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Approval of Labor Agreement Minnesota Teamsters and Law Enforcement Employee’s Union Local 320. Provides 1% increase in pay, additional $20 per month shift differential and incorporate health insurance language. Effective July 1, 2011.
Budget Impacts for FY 2011
1. Sergeants & Corporals $9226.00
2. Patrol Unit $16530.00
3. Non Union Employees $62461.00
Total $88217.00 for July thru December. Increase
Tax Increment Financing for Coca Cola.
Set hearing for plan modification. August 16 2011
“The City has encountered an administrative issue with regard to reporting the District’s financing activity to the Office of the State Auditor. The situation exists because there are variations between information in the tax increment plan, Development Agreement and annual TIF report to the State Auditor”
The City needs to modify the plan to allow Coca Cola to get $278,973.00 instead of 192,870.00. “In fulfillment of the development agreement as well as the intention of the TIF plan, the city will need to amend the TIF plan by modifying the budget. The plan modification amends the budget to provide $278,973 in reimbursement.”
Approve plans and authorize for bids airport paving rehabilitation project.
Cost to City approximately $12,000.00
First reading on changes to Adult Establishments, changes locations of such business to be allowed only in Industrial I-2 districts
Council Comments: Councilman Dotson reminded Council of the Chamber’s efforts to provide for a more transparent and accurate budget, as well as contingency of budget with LGA impacts.
Next Council Meeting to be held on Monday August 1 to allow for National Night Out on Tuesday Aug 2.
Approval of Labor Agreement Minnesota Teamsters and Law Enforcement Employee’s Union Local 320. Provides 1% increase in pay, additional $20 per month shift differential and incorporate health insurance language. Effective July 1, 2011.
Budget Impacts for FY 2011
1. Sergeants & Corporals $9226.00
2. Patrol Unit $16530.00
3. Non Union Employees $62461.00
Total $88217.00 for July thru December. Increase
Tax Increment Financing for Coca Cola.
Set hearing for plan modification. August 16 2011
“The City has encountered an administrative issue with regard to reporting the District’s financing activity to the Office of the State Auditor. The situation exists because there are variations between information in the tax increment plan, Development Agreement and annual TIF report to the State Auditor”
The City needs to modify the plan to allow Coca Cola to get $278,973.00 instead of 192,870.00. “In fulfillment of the development agreement as well as the intention of the TIF plan, the city will need to amend the TIF plan by modifying the budget. The plan modification amends the budget to provide $278,973 in reimbursement.”
Approve plans and authorize for bids airport paving rehabilitation project.
Cost to City approximately $12,000.00
First reading on changes to Adult Establishments, changes locations of such business to be allowed only in Industrial I-2 districts
Council Comments: Councilman Dotson reminded Council of the Chamber’s efforts to provide for a more transparent and accurate budget, as well as contingency of budget with LGA impacts.
Next Council Meeting to be held on Monday August 1 to allow for National Night Out on Tuesday Aug 2.
Friday, June 03, 2011
Employee Facebook Posting
Following a recent trend, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) filed two more complaints on behalf of employees who were terminated after posting work-related comments on Facebook. In the recent complaints, the NLRB alleged that the employee postings constituted protected concerted activity under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), and that the related terminations were unlawful and had the intended effect of discouraging other employees from engaging in similar activities. Although the Board has yet to resolve the issue of whether or not Facebook postings constitute "concerted activity," the NLRB's recent activity in this area signals a growing focus on both union and non-union employees' rights to discuss job conditions with co-workers using social media.
Article provided by Leonard Street and Deinard, Jonathon Naples, (612) 335-7117,,
Following a recent trend, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) filed two more complaints on behalf of employees who were terminated after posting work-related comments on Facebook. In the recent complaints, the NLRB alleged that the employee postings constituted protected concerted activity under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), and that the related terminations were unlawful and had the intended effect of discouraging other employees from engaging in similar activities. Although the Board has yet to resolve the issue of whether or not Facebook postings constitute "concerted activity," the NLRB's recent activity in this area signals a growing focus on both union and non-union employees' rights to discuss job conditions with co-workers using social media.
Article provided by Leonard Street and Deinard, Jonathon Naples, (612) 335-7117,,
Thursday, May 26, 2011
County Board Notes-May 24, 2011
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2011 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
1) The first item of discussion centered around the RFP format for the 800-MHz Tower Station in Northeast Owatonna.
The discussion encompassed an upcoming school board meeting on June 13 in order to okay the construction of this tower.
Apparently Medford school district has already approved this tower and Owatonna School Board will most likely approve this tower.
It was asked of the board to send a letter that they feel the investigation and amount of work in assessing cost and
construction has been meticulous and the board agreed that they would send this letter.
Following the meeting on June 13 there will be quotes coming for work on the corresponding antenna which apparently will be very low cost.
There was extensive discussion regarding line of sight issues with a Federated building and required notification from any surrounding business of 6 to 9 months for any construction that may hinder the line of sight of the tower. it was stated that engineers have planned for any possible line of sight issues and can adapt to construction needs of surrounding businesses.
There was also discussion regarding the bottom line costs for which approximately half will include grants and the rest will come from the general reserve fund and the remaining portion of a bond. They did discuss raw numbers but I do not have those numbers at this time.
2) The second item discussed was regarding a local bridge replacement grant agreement and resolution.
This grant will be based off of bids received and it was stated that generally not all of the items in the bid will be eligible for the grant.
Apparently the bids that have been received so far were actually below engineer's estimates.
3) The third discussion centered around the fact that on the evening of May 23 the legislature adjourned and the Governor had vetoed the budget proposal so at present there is no budget currently available. there was also a question of whether a "lights on" resolution had been passed. the general consensus was that this had not happened.
The follow-up statement by Mr. Aziz addressed the fact that he will get the department heads together to plan for possible changes due to the lack of funding in the budget.
4) it was discussed and confirmed by Mr. Ebeling that Lisa Havelka had asked for funds regarding Tourism and that it was the board's policy to wait until July to see if the state has allowed for this type of funding.
The meeting adjourned at 3:55.
1) The first item of discussion centered around the RFP format for the 800-MHz Tower Station in Northeast Owatonna.
The discussion encompassed an upcoming school board meeting on June 13 in order to okay the construction of this tower.
Apparently Medford school district has already approved this tower and Owatonna School Board will most likely approve this tower.
It was asked of the board to send a letter that they feel the investigation and amount of work in assessing cost and
construction has been meticulous and the board agreed that they would send this letter.
Following the meeting on June 13 there will be quotes coming for work on the corresponding antenna which apparently will be very low cost.
There was extensive discussion regarding line of sight issues with a Federated building and required notification from any surrounding business of 6 to 9 months for any construction that may hinder the line of sight of the tower. it was stated that engineers have planned for any possible line of sight issues and can adapt to construction needs of surrounding businesses.
There was also discussion regarding the bottom line costs for which approximately half will include grants and the rest will come from the general reserve fund and the remaining portion of a bond. They did discuss raw numbers but I do not have those numbers at this time.
2) The second item discussed was regarding a local bridge replacement grant agreement and resolution.
This grant will be based off of bids received and it was stated that generally not all of the items in the bid will be eligible for the grant.
Apparently the bids that have been received so far were actually below engineer's estimates.
3) The third discussion centered around the fact that on the evening of May 23 the legislature adjourned and the Governor had vetoed the budget proposal so at present there is no budget currently available. there was also a question of whether a "lights on" resolution had been passed. the general consensus was that this had not happened.
The follow-up statement by Mr. Aziz addressed the fact that he will get the department heads together to plan for possible changes due to the lack of funding in the budget.
4) it was discussed and confirmed by Mr. Ebeling that Lisa Havelka had asked for funds regarding Tourism and that it was the board's policy to wait until July to see if the state has allowed for this type of funding.
The meeting adjourned at 3:55.
Friday, May 06, 2011
Green Enterprise Assistance Team

A collaboration of several state agencies, the Green Enterprise Assistance team can help you cut through the thicket of programs, services, and agencies to find the right answers and right resources for your clean-technology or renewable energy company.
From financial assistance to navigating legal and regulatory matters we'll guide you to the resources and expertise you'll need.
Contact Us
The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development manages the GEA program. Call 651-259-7437 for more information or complete and submit this electronic form and we will contact you.
The GEA is looking for clean-technology and renewable-energy firms. By statute, we help companies whose technologies use energy from renewable resources and support energy efficiency and conservation. Businesses that are working to reduce gashouse gases, protect and conserve water and improve biofuel production may also apply for our services.
Help at Any StageThe GEA helps companies at any stage of development, from new ideas to business startups to established companies with products and services ready to market.
If you have a product or service ready to sell and want assistance, the GEA Team is happy to work with you.
The GEA is just as interested in hearing about your business startup and how our team of experts can facilitate your growth.
State Agency Involvement
The GEA is facilitated by the Department of Employment and Economic Development and includes representatives from the following state agencies:
The Office of Energy Security in the Department of Commerce
The Department of Natural Resources
The Department of Transportation
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
The Department of Agriculture
Iron Range Resources
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
City Board Notes-May 3, 2011
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2011 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
The meeting was rather short with very little discussion regarding any of the
proposed ordinances or items on the agenda. I have attached a copy of the agenda
with some of my notes as well as the financial re-cap for your review. As you can
see, more than $221,000.00 of the money spent will be reimbursed by FEMA.
There were three parties that appealed their tax assessments for 2011 and the new
Assessor recommended reductions for all of them as well as others in the same area
that he deemed too high. He did not share any dollar amounts with us, but not sure if
he did with the council, but they were all approved.
All of the items listed under the Actions part of the agenda were approved by a
unanimous 7-0 vote.
The only thing discussed that was not on the agenda was the recommendation by
Jeff Johnson to install a lift station by Ag Power's new site. That was also approved
by a 7-0 vote.
The meeting was rather short with very little discussion regarding any of the
proposed ordinances or items on the agenda. I have attached a copy of the agenda
with some of my notes as well as the financial re-cap for your review. As you can
see, more than $221,000.00 of the money spent will be reimbursed by FEMA.
There were three parties that appealed their tax assessments for 2011 and the new
Assessor recommended reductions for all of them as well as others in the same area
that he deemed too high. He did not share any dollar amounts with us, but not sure if
he did with the council, but they were all approved.
All of the items listed under the Actions part of the agenda were approved by a
unanimous 7-0 vote.
The only thing discussed that was not on the agenda was the recommendation by
Jeff Johnson to install a lift station by Ag Power's new site. That was also approved
by a 7-0 vote.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
County Board Notes-April 26, 2011
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2011 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
four different items during their meeting at 3:00 PM.
1. The Human Services Issue - the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled that the county had to pay for services for a person who lived out of Steele County but wanted to reside in an assisted living facility in Steele County. The County Board of commissioners has decided to have the County Attorney appeal the decision, as it takes away their ability to decide what is best for our county. There is a big article in the Peoples Press this morning regarding this if you want more detail.
2. On the 800MHz Tower - they discussed a concern that someone might construct an object that would interfere with the transmission and signal from the tower to the Courthouse. The MNDOT tower is located 6.29 miles from the Courthouse and they are considering putting an ordinance to prohibit this from happening.
3. Lawn Mowing Contract - they received three bids from local contractors for this and they all seemed to meet the county's requirements. It was suggested that they take the low bid since they all met the counties requirements.
4. Youth First Initiative - Steve Schroht was approached by them and requested a$5,000.00 annual fee to promote sportsmanship among participants, parents, coaches and officials throughout the county. They are working with many of the youth sports clubs in Owatonna and want to expand that to the other communities in the county as well as other extra curricular activities in the schools. In return, the Youth First staff would assist with scheduling fundraising events, apply for grants and help coordinate additional events at the Four Seasons facility to bring in additional revenue for the county. It sounded like they were all in favor of this.
5. County Road #6 & Hwy 14 - they also discussed this issue that was not on their agenda. It seems that the City of Owatonna has put some blame on the county for the concerns about safety and access at this intersection. The county's take on this is that they had no say in how this was configured because the DOT mandates what happens with theses intersections, but the city has some special power to override this if they feel the need. And the city used that power at the time the intersection was constructed, but is now blaming the county for the issues that have risen since its construction.
four different items during their meeting at 3:00 PM.
1. The Human Services Issue - the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled that the county had to pay for services for a person who lived out of Steele County but wanted to reside in an assisted living facility in Steele County. The County Board of commissioners has decided to have the County Attorney appeal the decision, as it takes away their ability to decide what is best for our county. There is a big article in the Peoples Press this morning regarding this if you want more detail.
2. On the 800MHz Tower - they discussed a concern that someone might construct an object that would interfere with the transmission and signal from the tower to the Courthouse. The MNDOT tower is located 6.29 miles from the Courthouse and they are considering putting an ordinance to prohibit this from happening.
3. Lawn Mowing Contract - they received three bids from local contractors for this and they all seemed to meet the county's requirements. It was suggested that they take the low bid since they all met the counties requirements.
4. Youth First Initiative - Steve Schroht was approached by them and requested a$5,000.00 annual fee to promote sportsmanship among participants, parents, coaches and officials throughout the county. They are working with many of the youth sports clubs in Owatonna and want to expand that to the other communities in the county as well as other extra curricular activities in the schools. In return, the Youth First staff would assist with scheduling fundraising events, apply for grants and help coordinate additional events at the Four Seasons facility to bring in additional revenue for the county. It sounded like they were all in favor of this.
5. County Road #6 & Hwy 14 - they also discussed this issue that was not on their agenda. It seems that the City of Owatonna has put some blame on the county for the concerns about safety and access at this intersection. The county's take on this is that they had no say in how this was configured because the DOT mandates what happens with theses intersections, but the city has some special power to override this if they feel the need. And the city used that power at the time the intersection was constructed, but is now blaming the county for the issues that have risen since its construction.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
City Board Notes-April 19, 2011
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2011 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Agenda item 3.4.1 Ordinance 3-11: This item was a final approval of the Annexation Ordinance annexing 49.06 acres of land located on Lemond Road into the city. The EDA budget will pay approximately $3,000 in costs for processing the annexation and township reimbursements. Approved.
Agenda item 3.4.2: First reading to approve a request to change the zoning for Huber Supply Company at 385 St. John Drive from B-2 (Community Business District) to I-1 (Light Industrial District). No budget impact.
Agenda item 3.4.3: In conjunction with 3.4.2, a first reading to amend the B-2 Highway Business Sign Overlay District map to remove Huber Supply Company at 385 St. John Drive. No budget impact.
Agenda item 3.5.1 Resolution 15-11: Approved a resolution for the 2011 Curb, Gutter, and Bituminous Surfacing Improvements. A public hearing is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. May 17, 2011 in City Council Chambers.
Agenda item 3.5.2 Resolution 16-11: Approved a resolution for plans, specifications, and ordering advertisement for bids for Mineral Springs Road at Cherry Street and 24th Avenue NW from West Bridge Street to U.S. Hwy 14. Mineral Springs Road is a concrete pavement reconstruction project and 24th Avenue NW is a bituminous reclamation and reconstruction project. Bids will be received by 10:00 a.m. May 25, 2011.
Agenda item 3.5.3 Resolution 17-11: Approved a resolution that the Minnesota Department of Transportation amend the preferred alternative in the Final Environmental Impact Statement to allow right-in/right-out access at the intersections of Steele County State Aid Highway No. 6/Austin Road and U.S. Highway 14.
Agenda item 3.5.4 Resolution 18-11: Approved a resolution calling for a public hearing relating to the proposed Steele County Communities for a Lifetime (SCCL) project and the issuance of conduit revenue bonds of up to $5,000,000. Only councilor Truelson opposed.
Agenda item 3.5.5 Resolution 19-11: Approved a plat of the Mayo Clinic Addition. Although the City Council approved the final plat of the Mayo Clinic addition at its December 21, 2010 meeting, the plat was never recorded. By recording the resolution, the plat will also be recorded.
Kris Busse announced that the Board of Equalization hearing has been scheduled for Monday, April 25, at 7:00 p.m.
Details on the above agenda items are available at this link:
Agenda item 3.4.1 Ordinance 3-11: This item was a final approval of the Annexation Ordinance annexing 49.06 acres of land located on Lemond Road into the city. The EDA budget will pay approximately $3,000 in costs for processing the annexation and township reimbursements. Approved.
Agenda item 3.4.2: First reading to approve a request to change the zoning for Huber Supply Company at 385 St. John Drive from B-2 (Community Business District) to I-1 (Light Industrial District). No budget impact.
Agenda item 3.4.3: In conjunction with 3.4.2, a first reading to amend the B-2 Highway Business Sign Overlay District map to remove Huber Supply Company at 385 St. John Drive. No budget impact.
Agenda item 3.5.1 Resolution 15-11: Approved a resolution for the 2011 Curb, Gutter, and Bituminous Surfacing Improvements. A public hearing is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. May 17, 2011 in City Council Chambers.
Agenda item 3.5.2 Resolution 16-11: Approved a resolution for plans, specifications, and ordering advertisement for bids for Mineral Springs Road at Cherry Street and 24th Avenue NW from West Bridge Street to U.S. Hwy 14. Mineral Springs Road is a concrete pavement reconstruction project and 24th Avenue NW is a bituminous reclamation and reconstruction project. Bids will be received by 10:00 a.m. May 25, 2011.
Agenda item 3.5.3 Resolution 17-11: Approved a resolution that the Minnesota Department of Transportation amend the preferred alternative in the Final Environmental Impact Statement to allow right-in/right-out access at the intersections of Steele County State Aid Highway No. 6/Austin Road and U.S. Highway 14.
Agenda item 3.5.4 Resolution 18-11: Approved a resolution calling for a public hearing relating to the proposed Steele County Communities for a Lifetime (SCCL) project and the issuance of conduit revenue bonds of up to $5,000,000. Only councilor Truelson opposed.
Agenda item 3.5.5 Resolution 19-11: Approved a plat of the Mayo Clinic Addition. Although the City Council approved the final plat of the Mayo Clinic addition at its December 21, 2010 meeting, the plat was never recorded. By recording the resolution, the plat will also be recorded.
Kris Busse announced that the Board of Equalization hearing has been scheduled for Monday, April 25, at 7:00 p.m.
Details on the above agenda items are available at this link:
Monday, April 25, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act Information

WASHINGTON - The Internal Revenue Service today released a new form that will help employers claim the special payroll tax exemption that applies to many newly-hired workers during 2010, created by the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act signed by President Obama on March 18.
New Form W-11, Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act Employee Affidavit, is now posted on, along with answers to frequently asked questions about the payroll tax exemption and the related new hire retention credit. The new law requires that employers get a statement from each eligible new hire, certifying under penalties of perjury, that he or she was unemployed during the 60 days before beginning work or, alternatively, worked fewer than a total of 40 hours for anyone during the 60-day period. Employers can use Form W-11 to meet this requirement.
Most eligible employers then use Form 941, Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, to claim the payroll tax exemption for eligible new hires. This form, revised for use beginning with the second calendar quarter of 2010, is currently posted as a draft form on and will be released next month as a final along with the form's instructions.
Though employers need this certification to claim both the payroll tax exemption and the new hire retention credit, they do not file these statements with the IRS. Instead, they must retain them along with other payroll and income tax records.
The HIRE Act created two new tax benefits designed to encourage employers to hire and retain new workers. As a result, employers who hire unemployed workers this year (after Feb. 3, 2010, and before Jan. 1, 2011) may qualify for a 6.2-percent payroll tax incentive, in effect exempting them from the employer's share of social security tax on wages paid to these workers after March 18. This reduction will have no effect on the employee's future Social Security benefits, and employers would still need to withhold the employee's 6.2-percent share of Social Security taxes, as well as income taxes. In addition, for each unemployed worker retained for at least a year, businesses may claim a new hire retention credit of up to $1,000 per worker when they file their 2011 income tax returns.
These two tax benefits are especially helpful to employers who are adding positions to their payrolls. New hires filling existing positions also qualify but only if the workers they are replacing left voluntarily or for cause. Family members and other relatives do not qualify for either of these tax incentives. Businesses, agricultural employers, tax-exempt organizations, tribal governments and public colleges and universities all qualify to claim the payroll tax exemption for eligible newly-hired employees. Household employers and federal, state and local government employers, other than public colleges and universities, are not eligible. Visit for details.
Thursday, April 07, 2011
City Council Notes-April 5, 2011
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2011 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business. The bids for 2011 Road materials was approved and again presented that the lowest bid in each category get the bid. The DNR grant funds were discussed to have the city purchase 338 Mineral Springs Rd property. The demo of the building would run about $5 - $7 thousand dollars and the purchase price is $80,000 with $40,000 coming out of the storm water fund. The recommendation was based on the fact that because of the Kwik Trip expansion there they would be adding asphalt and would have to upgrade the storm water system there unless they bought the property and used it as a storm water pond. It was approved by the city. They also reviewed the preliminary plat of Ag Power Addition. The lift station and sanitary sewer lines will need to be oversized to service additional property to the south and east. Costs associated with any oversizing of services would typically be paid for by the city from the city’s wastewater treatment fund. The city may want additional hook up fees from businesses using these utilities to recoup the costs of oversizing. Just for information the experience mod for the city’s workers compensation went down with a result of a decrease in workers comp by about $100,000. They were also able to recover some funds for road maintenance and repair so they will be trying to do some of those projects this spring. They did not specify how much or how the funds were recovered. They have also begun the water flow testing to determine the extent of necessary repairs to the water flow system. It will continue all summer. In the notes of the Owatonna Planning Commission and Park and Recreation Board Minutes they discuss a sidewalk and trail plan. Klecker explained the 10 point rating system that was used for the sidewalks. They have developed a prioritized map of existing and proposed sidewalks and trails. They have been focusing on commercial areas and connections to those commercial areas. They are going to present it to City council. In the minutes of the Planning Commission they discuss the desire of a resident to install a solar energy system on his property. This system would have to be elevated on a 40 foot tall pole. It would be 24 feet square and high enough so that it’s over the houses. It would be the size of a billboard and move with the sun. It should upstand 90 mile an hour winds and the pole would be about 16 feet from the property line. There is no current ordinance for a structure like this or for a wind turbine. Lastly, they are holding another coffee with the council this Saturday, April 9th, at 8am at Old Time Bagels.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Tax Season for 2012-Is Your Property Valued Correctly?

Friday, March 25, 2011
March 2011 Talk of the Town
Chamber President Brad Meier reviews property tax assesment statements, economic development opportunities with existing buildings, upcoming conventions and shows, state legislature wins, and flower basket program.
Member guest: Steve Stoykovich with Stoyk's Plumbing Geo Thermal Heating and Cooling
Appx. 17 min.
MP3 File
Member guest: Steve Stoykovich with Stoyk's Plumbing Geo Thermal Heating and Cooling
Appx. 17 min.
MP3 File
Thursday, March 24, 2011
County Board Notes-March 22, 2011
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2011 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
There was a lengthy presentation by a representative from MCIT which is essentially an intergoverntmental insurance pool handling risk, property, workers' comp and other insurance related products. The representative complimented the county for being proactive and enacting policies that have reduced costs to the taxpayers.
Contracts where approved for various road maintenance supplies and repairs to be made this season.
Permits where approved for Oak Glen Wind Farm to build a temporary construction yard and put up a meteorological tower.
There was discussion about maintenance and upgrade needs at the courthouse, primarily the need for a new generator.
William Effertz was approved as the new Assessor/Commercial Appraiser. The original appointment was going to be for one year, but a motion was passed to maintain the dual responsibilities indefinitely.
Les Abraham presented the board with our State of Emergency declaration which essentially allowed us to make sandbags available at no charge.
There was a lengthy presentation by a representative from MCIT which is essentially an intergoverntmental insurance pool handling risk, property, workers' comp and other insurance related products. The representative complimented the county for being proactive and enacting policies that have reduced costs to the taxpayers.
Contracts where approved for various road maintenance supplies and repairs to be made this season.
Permits where approved for Oak Glen Wind Farm to build a temporary construction yard and put up a meteorological tower.
There was discussion about maintenance and upgrade needs at the courthouse, primarily the need for a new generator.
William Effertz was approved as the new Assessor/Commercial Appraiser. The original appointment was going to be for one year, but a motion was passed to maintain the dual responsibilities indefinitely.
Les Abraham presented the board with our State of Emergency declaration which essentially allowed us to make sandbags available at no charge.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Flooding Information Form
Information and links from MN DEED on potential flooding and form for affected businesses.
As Minnesota moves into spring, the state and DEED are preparing for the potential for flooding.
Should flooding occur, we've created the attached form to help assist in our disaster recovery efforts. This form is NOT an application for assistance, but will strictly serve as a means for DEED to gather information in a consistent format for any affected businesses in your area. The form is available here.
In the event of a disaster, we ask each community to please be prepared to have these forms available for affected businesses to fill out.
The form can also be filled out electronically at:
We've also attached a DEED Disaster Recovery fact sheet, which provides some basic information on programs available in case of disaster, as well as DEED regional contacts, should you need to reach a DEED employee. To access the fact sheet, click here.
As we move closer to the potential of floods, you can also stay up-to-date on information at the state disaster recovery website:
As Minnesota moves into spring, the state and DEED are preparing for the potential for flooding.
Should flooding occur, we've created the attached form to help assist in our disaster recovery efforts. This form is NOT an application for assistance, but will strictly serve as a means for DEED to gather information in a consistent format for any affected businesses in your area. The form is available here.
In the event of a disaster, we ask each community to please be prepared to have these forms available for affected businesses to fill out.
The form can also be filled out electronically at:
We've also attached a DEED Disaster Recovery fact sheet, which provides some basic information on programs available in case of disaster, as well as DEED regional contacts, should you need to reach a DEED employee. To access the fact sheet, click here.
As we move closer to the potential of floods, you can also stay up-to-date on information at the state disaster recovery website:
Monday, March 14, 2011
Doing Business with Government

Through the Department of Commerce, Minnesota's Procurement and Technical Assistance Program (PTAC) offers all Minnesota business the opportunity to identify new and existing market opportunities. PTAC will also advise, assist, and prepare businesses and minority businesses with required applications, certifications, and registrations necessary in order to coordinate the next steps. In addition to business meetings with new and existing clients, workshops, events, networking, awards, and other opportunities are made available Statewide. Minority owned businesses are encouraged to apply.
For more information, click here!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Leading the Way on Job Creation

By Doug Loon
VP Regional Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
While lawmakers in Washington have been busy creating a regulatory tsunami, Minnesota is working to calm the storm.
A recent bill passed by the legislature and signed into law by Governor Dayton streamlines the state’s permitting process and assists responsible businesses who want to locate or expand in Minnesota.
This important action by the state of Minnesota comes as the U.S. Chamber releases a new study that identifies the economic impact and jobs that could be created in 49 states if the regulatory red tape and permitting delays were removed from stalled energy projects.
“With this piece of legislation, Minnesota is leading the way on improving the permitting process,” said William Kovacs, U.S. Chamber senior vice president of Environment, Technology and Regulatory Affairs. “In Minnesota alone, our study identified five stalled energy projects that are costing the state’s economy $12.8 billion in GDP and 21,100 jobs a year during the construction phase. No longer will Minnesota businesses be subject to the ‘green-tape’ bureaucracy in which some environmental activists and their allies use every resource at their disposal to block, delay, or cancel job-creating clean energy projects.”
The U.S. Chamber’s groundbreaking study, Project Denied: The Potential Economic Impact of Permitting Challenges Facing Proposed Energy Projects, identifies 351 stalled energy projects nationwide that in aggregate are costing the American economy $1.1 trillion in GDP and 1.9 million jobs a year during the construction phase alone. The study is part of the Chamber’s larger Project No Project initiative, which catalogs energy projects that have been delayed or stopped by a chaotic permitting process.
The business community has long recognized the need for sensible regulations to ensure workplace safety, guarantee worker rights, and protect public health. While many regulations have a positive impact, many others are outdated, ineffective, overly complicated, and counterproductive. In fact, the Small Business Administration puts the total price tag of complying with federal regulations alone at $1.75 trillion in 2008. That amounts to $15,500 for each U.S. household.
It’s our hope other states and the federal government will follow Minnesota’s lead and act now to remove unreasonable regulations and project obstacles so America can remain competitive with the rest of the world.
Doug Loon manages the U.S. Chamber’s regional operations from his office in the Twin Cities. To learn more about the U.S. Chamber visit their website at To learn more about the Projects No Projects initiative, to
Doug Loon manages the U.S. Chamber’s regional operations from his office in the Twin Cities. To learn more about the U.S. Chamber visit their website at To learn more about the Projects No Projects initiative, to
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
City Board Notes-March 1, 2011
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2011 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Public Hearing held regarding street improvements for 2011, including the following
1. 24th Ave from Bridge ST. to Hwy 14 resurface. State aid project with approximately $323052 in assessments and additional State Aid. City funds of $79448. A 15% up charge by the City for Engineering costs.
2. 28th ST NW, new road for the nursing facility off of the frontage road. Uses $100,000 city funds and $80,000 other funds.
Financial Report
$123392 Total Expenditures Presented for Approval. Noted by Councilman Wittrock to be one of the lowest amounts he could recall.
$7500 for US Highway 14 Partnership.
Consent Agenda
1. OPU minutes from January 25 meeting. Discussion of City and OPU purchasing more houses along South Walnut Ave, with half of the cost from a DNR grant. Contributed services by OPU has been increasing as a percent of revenue since 20006. OPU would like to purchase two properties near the new Highway 14 interchange for future economic development for the City of Owatonna.
2. April 25th 2011 at 7pm is the date and time for the Board of Appeal and Equalization for City of Owatonna (property taxes payable in 2012), to be held at Council Chambers.
Other items:
1. Storm water Programs regarding Rain Gardens.
2. Personnel policy regarding HSA account item was tabled at request of Councilman Moen.
3. DNR flood grants
4. Second reading regarding Sewer and water connections and planting trees in boulevards.
Public Hearing held regarding street improvements for 2011, including the following
1. 24th Ave from Bridge ST. to Hwy 14 resurface. State aid project with approximately $323052 in assessments and additional State Aid. City funds of $79448. A 15% up charge by the City for Engineering costs.
2. 28th ST NW, new road for the nursing facility off of the frontage road. Uses $100,000 city funds and $80,000 other funds.
Financial Report
$123392 Total Expenditures Presented for Approval. Noted by Councilman Wittrock to be one of the lowest amounts he could recall.
$7500 for US Highway 14 Partnership.
Consent Agenda
1. OPU minutes from January 25 meeting. Discussion of City and OPU purchasing more houses along South Walnut Ave, with half of the cost from a DNR grant. Contributed services by OPU has been increasing as a percent of revenue since 20006. OPU would like to purchase two properties near the new Highway 14 interchange for future economic development for the City of Owatonna.
2. April 25th 2011 at 7pm is the date and time for the Board of Appeal and Equalization for City of Owatonna (property taxes payable in 2012), to be held at Council Chambers.
Other items:
1. Storm water Programs regarding Rain Gardens.
2. Personnel policy regarding HSA account item was tabled at request of Councilman Moen.
3. DNR flood grants
4. Second reading regarding Sewer and water connections and planting trees in boulevards.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
County Board Notes-Feb. 22, 2011
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2011 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Notes on:
MA Recovery efforts; County Assessor position; highway department spring projects; Bixby waste water design RFP; Transition Plan for Severson.
Appx. 5 min.
MP3 File
Notes on:
MA Recovery efforts; County Assessor position; highway department spring projects; Bixby waste water design RFP; Transition Plan for Severson.
Appx. 5 min.
MP3 File
Thursday, February 17, 2011
City Council Notes-Feb. 15, 2011
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2011 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Council approved over $500,000.00 in expenses. One of the larger expenses was for a new loader that was damaged during the flood.
There were three individuals that spoke during the meeting, one on flood control, one to promote cycling and routes for cycling and another that wanted the council to look into getting health insurance from a company that would promote discounts for healthy lifestyles and exercise programs.
Council approved over $500,000.00 in expenses. One of the larger expenses was for a new loader that was damaged during the flood.
There were three individuals that spoke during the meeting, one on flood control, one to promote cycling and routes for cycling and another that wanted the council to look into getting health insurance from a company that would promote discounts for healthy lifestyles and exercise programs.
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
County Board Notes-Feb. 8, 2011
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2011 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Committee Reports
Human Services Committee 2/2
Legislative auditors report medical non-emergency transportation costs related to SEMCAC
SEMCAC is struggling so there may be some assistance
Looking into costs
other counties are paying 25 cents per mile
Public Health – Dornfeld recommended as the medical consultant – approved
Transportation and Drainage Committee 2/3
Authorized advertising for bids (striping, aggregate, etc)
Test lab needs to be operational by March/April – reviewing bids
Options for Sheriff storage area being explored
modular solution located at the detention center discussed – swat vehicle and evidence storage is a problem (Lon Thiele visited)
Temporary maintenance shop is working - land owner is accommodating but situation is not ideal
Committee of the Whole
Wetland preservation area program – proceed with adoption
Recommend Riaz Aziz (sp?) for the open position - 5 applicants total
100 hour intern in the MIS department approved
Adjourned 7:44pm
Committee Reports
Human Services Committee 2/2
Legislative auditors report medical non-emergency transportation costs related to SEMCAC
SEMCAC is struggling so there may be some assistance
Looking into costs
other counties are paying 25 cents per mile
Public Health – Dornfeld recommended as the medical consultant – approved
Transportation and Drainage Committee 2/3
Authorized advertising for bids (striping, aggregate, etc)
Test lab needs to be operational by March/April – reviewing bids
Options for Sheriff storage area being explored
modular solution located at the detention center discussed – swat vehicle and evidence storage is a problem (Lon Thiele visited)
Temporary maintenance shop is working - land owner is accommodating but situation is not ideal
Committee of the Whole
Wetland preservation area program – proceed with adoption
Recommend Riaz Aziz (sp?) for the open position - 5 applicants total
100 hour intern in the MIS department approved
Adjourned 7:44pm
Thursday, February 03, 2011
BusinessConnection-Development Specialists

The consultants in Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development's Office of Business Development provide information about business development, site selection services, community profiles, and other technical services to businesses statewide. Industry Specialists focus on specific industries. Business Development Specialists handle all kinds of business and economic development inquiries.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
City Council Notes-January 18, 2011
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2011 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Notes from the Jan. 18 City Council meeting.
Two appointments to the Shade Tree commission:
Greg Schultz and Roger Wacek (Roger was sworn in by Tom Kuntz)
Council approved flood loan program for $10,000,000 state wide and managed by the economic development fund. The loans are to be paid back 50% in 10 years and if the company is still in business the balance will be forgiven. The money paid back goes to the local economic development fund. Minimum loan is $15,000.
Project approved to test sewer for repairs “Flow and filtration” low bid was $49,000 plus $2,000 a day if smoke is used. Project expected to start in April and finish in July. This gives city time to make repairs before winter.
Construction near the hospital will cost $80,000 for Allina, $80,000 for Mayo and $120,000 for Owatonna. Vote was approved.
Parks and Recreation will install 3 bridges on trails with money from the Owatonna Foundation, cost $145,000. $15,000 remains of the grant.
Tom Kuntz raised the question of doing business locally and was advised the bids govern and the money goes to Cloquet, MN
City Attorney Walbran advised the council there was no wrong doing with Brent Svenby voting for the CPA audit contract even with his brother Brad working there.
Tom Kuntz advised everyone that the Law Enforcement Center 24 hour lobby now has a container for prescription medication not wanted any longer. Anyone can deposit old drugs in it.
Notes from the Jan. 18 City Council meeting.
Two appointments to the Shade Tree commission:
Greg Schultz and Roger Wacek (Roger was sworn in by Tom Kuntz)
Council approved flood loan program for $10,000,000 state wide and managed by the economic development fund. The loans are to be paid back 50% in 10 years and if the company is still in business the balance will be forgiven. The money paid back goes to the local economic development fund. Minimum loan is $15,000.
Project approved to test sewer for repairs “Flow and filtration” low bid was $49,000 plus $2,000 a day if smoke is used. Project expected to start in April and finish in July. This gives city time to make repairs before winter.
Construction near the hospital will cost $80,000 for Allina, $80,000 for Mayo and $120,000 for Owatonna. Vote was approved.
Parks and Recreation will install 3 bridges on trails with money from the Owatonna Foundation, cost $145,000. $15,000 remains of the grant.
Tom Kuntz raised the question of doing business locally and was advised the bids govern and the money goes to Cloquet, MN
City Attorney Walbran advised the council there was no wrong doing with Brent Svenby voting for the CPA audit contract even with his brother Brad working there.
Tom Kuntz advised everyone that the Law Enforcement Center 24 hour lobby now has a container for prescription medication not wanted any longer. Anyone can deposit old drugs in it.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
BusinessConnection-Get Answers to all your business questions

and don't miss the helpful informaiton on Small Business Health Care Tax Credit
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
City Council Meeting: Jan. 4, 2011
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2011 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Item 1.7 Bills payable. Approved
Checks over $20,000 listed
23,527.00 Casey & Groesbeck 150 West Bridge
30,717.00 Cybex TIF Payment
27,668.09 Gopher Sport TIF Payment
23068.06 Owatonna Clinic Tax abatement
25173.50 Heselton Const Lemond Road culvert
43695.32 Kwik Trip Fuel
89400.85 Steele County Hwy Street projects 19687 Project c 513 69712
30574.73 Steele County Treas Landfill fees (reimbursed by Truth)
64831.59 Ziegler Rebuild generator
22500.00 Owatonna Chamber 1st half 2011 agreement
48169.00 CGMC 2011 dues coalition of greater MN cities
297321.88 Other Expenditures
726647.58 Subtotal
58059.60 January 1-Section 8 payments
784707.18 Total presented for approval
Item 3.22
MN Investment Fund Grant, set public hearing for January 18 Council meeting. Program by State of MN for flood relief for businesses. Expect 6-7 Applicants County wide. City would apply for a grant from the State, and then administer loans. More detail at hearing on January 18.
Item 3.4.4 Second reading for Noble RV to be placed in B-2 Highway sign district, to allow for Electronic reader sign to be mounted on sign pole of existing sign.
Misc Item, Kris Busse mentioned a new program called “Coffee with the Council” to be held at HY-VEE deli on Saturday January 15th from 8-9am, to allow people to meet with council, administrator, and the mayor.
Item 1.7 Bills payable. Approved
Checks over $20,000 listed
23,527.00 Casey & Groesbeck 150 West Bridge
30,717.00 Cybex TIF Payment
27,668.09 Gopher Sport TIF Payment
23068.06 Owatonna Clinic Tax abatement
25173.50 Heselton Const Lemond Road culvert
43695.32 Kwik Trip Fuel
89400.85 Steele County Hwy Street projects 19687 Project c 513 69712
30574.73 Steele County Treas Landfill fees (reimbursed by Truth)
64831.59 Ziegler Rebuild generator
22500.00 Owatonna Chamber 1st half 2011 agreement
48169.00 CGMC 2011 dues coalition of greater MN cities
297321.88 Other Expenditures
726647.58 Subtotal
58059.60 January 1-Section 8 payments
784707.18 Total presented for approval
Item 3.22
MN Investment Fund Grant, set public hearing for January 18 Council meeting. Program by State of MN for flood relief for businesses. Expect 6-7 Applicants County wide. City would apply for a grant from the State, and then administer loans. More detail at hearing on January 18.
Item 3.4.4 Second reading for Noble RV to be placed in B-2 Highway sign district, to allow for Electronic reader sign to be mounted on sign pole of existing sign.
Misc Item, Kris Busse mentioned a new program called “Coffee with the Council” to be held at HY-VEE deli on Saturday January 15th from 8-9am, to allow people to meet with council, administrator, and the mayor.
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