What is Crazy Days? We believe it could be/should be a million dollar event-before any multiplier/re-spending factor. We estimated the economic impact of last year’s Crazy Days in excess of half a million dollars.
But, with the transition of the Owatonna Business Partnership to the OACCT Promotions Committee, this promotion is now open to all OACCT members. And, the potential economic impact for our community could be much greater! But, Crazy Days is more-it’s Sidewalk Sales, Children’s Parade, Music, Fun, Hog Roast, Street Dance, Class Reunions, Arts Fair, Visitors, Meeting Friends and sharing our community.
Where is Crazy Days? A lot of the activities will be downtown, but Crazy Days includes the entire Owatonna Community.
When is Crazy Days? This month! July 21-25th.
How do we plan and coordinate Crazy Days? The Promotions Committee of OACCT plans and coordinates Crazy Days with the help of a lot of member businesses and volunteers.
Why do we have Crazy Days? Crazy Days is part social and part economics-fun! We like to think Crazy Days is the second biggest get together in Steele County-some classes plan their class reunions around it!
Crazy Days brings many visitors and shoppers to our community. It generates additional traffic and revenues for our community-it is our own Economic Stimulus package!
Who makes Crazy Days happen? You-our members! The Promotions Committee needs your help to make this year’s Crazy Days promotion another great event. You are encouraged to participate. If you would like to participate, volunteer, or have questions-please contact a Committee member or the Chamber. You’ll have fun and you’ll get lots of support!
But, with the transition of the Owatonna Business Partnership to the OACCT Promotions Committee, this promotion is now open to all OACCT members. And, the potential economic impact for our community could be much greater! But, Crazy Days is more-it’s Sidewalk Sales, Children’s Parade, Music, Fun, Hog Roast, Street Dance, Class Reunions, Arts Fair, Visitors, Meeting Friends and sharing our community.
Where is Crazy Days? A lot of the activities will be downtown, but Crazy Days includes the entire Owatonna Community.
When is Crazy Days? This month! July 21-25th.
How do we plan and coordinate Crazy Days? The Promotions Committee of OACCT plans and coordinates Crazy Days with the help of a lot of member businesses and volunteers.
Why do we have Crazy Days? Crazy Days is part social and part economics-fun! We like to think Crazy Days is the second biggest get together in Steele County-some classes plan their class reunions around it!
Crazy Days brings many visitors and shoppers to our community. It generates additional traffic and revenues for our community-it is our own Economic Stimulus package!
Who makes Crazy Days happen? You-our members! The Promotions Committee needs your help to make this year’s Crazy Days promotion another great event. You are encouraged to participate. If you would like to participate, volunteer, or have questions-please contact a Committee member or the Chamber. You’ll have fun and you’ll get lots of support!
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