A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
There were several people from the public there that spoke during the public comment section. Three from homeowners that live on Maple Drive and have had problems with sewer backup and water seepage and wanted reassurance from the council that they are working on the issue. And that Maple Creek upstream has still not been cleaned up and nothing can be done until that takes place and waiting until spring would be too late to do anything about the runoff from melting snow. The city administrator indicated that there has been grant money applied for that would help pay for stop valves for the septic system and part of the installation of those valves. The city engineer also stated that an RFP will be going out in the next two weeks to hire someone to do a study on all of the lines in the city. They also indicated they would work on cleaning up the debris upstream in Maple Creek.
Snow removal from residential sidewalks was also a topic of discussion.
The consent agenda included
Approval of bills totaling 680,184.09, license renewals (tobacco, garbage hauler, taxi cabs)
Building comparison reports for 2009 and 2010
Fire Department monthly activity report (This report has 2009 in the columns instead of 2010 so I’m not sure if the totals are from 2010 or 2009. This report might be useful if they could tie expenses to the number of calls made or the number of hours each activity takes. They already have the breakdown all they need is the accounting number to track expenses. If the departments were given the authority to review the checks and breakdown the expenses by category rather than vendor you could get that information. )
The minutes of the Planning Commission included the final plat of Mayo Clinic Addition. A 65.44 acre tract of B2 community business district zoned property owned by Owatonna Clinic, Mayo Health Systems and Allina Health. City planner pointed out that the proposed frontage road was moved off from airport property and that the financing of the road has not yet been agreed upon.
West Hills Leases were renewed for Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Owatonna Today and Steele County Transitional Housing, Inc.
Action Items:
Licenses and permits include Auditing Services contract awarded to LarsonAllen, LLP. (Difference in time spent on RFP per Agency that turned in a bid. Hours for audit range from 227 to the bid winners number of hours 310. Almost 8 weeks to perform the audit.)
The changes to the Snow and Ice Control Policies and Procedures was approved. The revised manual contains the updated listing and mapping of new streets and new sections pertaining to snow and ice control on sidewalks and trails. The revised manual will be placed on the City website later this winter for easy access to citizens.
The final plat of the Mayo Clinic Addition north of 26th St NW was approved as recommended by Troy Klecker. “Staff recommends approval of this final plat provided easements are provided as recommended by OPU and City Engineering and title opinion is received and approved by the City Attorney as recommended by the Planning Commission.
Tom Shea spoke to the council regarding the approval of the access road and provided the breakdown of the payments for the access road. The clinic agreed to pay 10%, the Hospital has agreed to 10%, the new nursing facility will pay 16.7%, the county and the SCC will pay 38.7% and asked that the airport pay 24.6%.
The Final Plat of Eden Valley Development was approved along with the personnel policy and procedures manual Update.
They approved the first reading of a revised ordinance regulating peddlers, solicitors and transient merchants. Recently the city was advised that the state of MN Bureau of Criminal Apprehension could not provide background checks of applicants for transient merchant’s licenses unless the city ordinance included a provision requiring such a background check and that the applicant sign an informed consent for the same. Although peddlers may be licensed, court decisions have held that a city may ot require a licensure or payment of a license fee by a solicitor who is taking orders for goods shipped from out of state as that would be in violation of the commerce clause. The revised ordinance clarifies the distinction between a peddler and solicitor and that the former is required to obtain a license and the latter is only required to register with the city.
The last item on the agenda was to approve the levy of taxes for 2011, the 2011 budget and the 2011 HRA budget which were all approved. Brad and I did get the opportunity to step forward and speak to the chambers stance on the budget. Brad stressed that we have been watching the budget process this year and we still stand by our find efficiencies and try to keep taxes steady. He also talked about the work of the city efficiency task force and the grant applied for connected directly to the work already done by the task force. He also stressed our desire to have the city increase the use of the accounting system and how important the data collection is. We relayed that we will be looking to the city to try to incorporate other budgeting tools into their process like Budgeting for Outcomes.
We did get a few questions and even one from Rick Wittrock that asked what the chambers position is on the city taking a share of the easements for the new nursing home facility. We expressed to the council that we have received more information now that we are attending county commissioner meetings and the information for the breakdown of the share the city would have to pay recently and we have not had an opportunity to form an official position on the issue yet.
The meeting adjourned with many Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday wishes from everyone.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
County Budget Hearing Meeting: Dec. 14, 2010
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
The public hearing on the county budget was held at 6:00pm on Tuesday, December 14th. There were about 12 people in attendance. Here is the budget overview that was given.
2011 Steele County budget Review
46,715,657 2010 Actual Budget
39,604,784 2011 Proposed Budget
7,110,873 Net Decrease = 15.2
Primarily due to bonds for Hwy work that has been completed
18,893,063 2011 Proposed Tax Levy
18,598,518 2010 Actual Tax Levy
294,545 Net Increase = 1.6%
Where the 2011 Property Tax Dollars Go?
Law Enforcement/Safety (31.0%) 5,877,239
Human Services/Health (17.3%) 3,257,660
Bonded Debt (13.8%) 2,605,170
Public Works (12.9%) 2,432,171
Court System (10.8%) 2,032,506
Other (14.2%) 2,688,317
Total Property Tax 18,893,063
County Program Aid Reductions
2008 318,137
2009 239,793
2010 486,852
2010 377,495 Market Value Credit
Total 1,422,277
2011 County Program Aid 1,666,283
Budgeted Reduction 666,283
Balance 1,000,000
2011 Budget Increases
Jail 153,775 Not receiving as much revenue from other areas using the jail Probation Services
122,434 Court ordered probation for juveniles has gone upCoroner
15,000 More professional coroners office and they need aides to assist
Total 291,209
They have gone to a high deductible health plan that the employee picks up half the cost.
There was a lot of discussion regarding the 26,890,792 in outstanding debt. The bonding debt was for the county building, the detention center and the jail and some maintenance to the court house. There is also a bond for 3,545,000 for the Cedarview Nursing Home. The tax debt for the Cabela’s Three Corners has been paid off.
There were questions regarding the 3 million dollar reserve account and why the 200,000 needed for the levy couldn’t be taken from there. According to the commissioners the state recommends that you have a reserve of 50% which would be about 10million rather than the three they currently hold. Commissioners expressed concern that they would not be able to build that back up and they need that reserve for cash flow since they only get paid twice a year.
The presentation for the taxes was given. Agriculture tillable land was not increased but waste and woods were.
The breakdown of taxable property for Steele County is Residential 52%, Farm 31%, Commercial 11%, and Apartment 3%.
The portion paid is Residential 51%, Farm 23%, Commercial 20%, Apartments 3%
Commercial rate decreased 9.3% and Residential increased 9.12%.
The DM&E railroad sold some of their lines and paid less income tax therefore increasing property taxes for everyone else.
Tom Shea stated that they have no ability to change what they are doing because they are mandated by state statutes.
The public hearing on the county budget was held at 6:00pm on Tuesday, December 14th. There were about 12 people in attendance. Here is the budget overview that was given.
2011 Steele County budget Review
46,715,657 2010 Actual Budget
39,604,784 2011 Proposed Budget
7,110,873 Net Decrease = 15.2
Primarily due to bonds for Hwy work that has been completed
18,893,063 2011 Proposed Tax Levy
18,598,518 2010 Actual Tax Levy
294,545 Net Increase = 1.6%
Where the 2011 Property Tax Dollars Go?
Law Enforcement/Safety (31.0%) 5,877,239
Human Services/Health (17.3%) 3,257,660
Bonded Debt (13.8%) 2,605,170
Public Works (12.9%) 2,432,171
Court System (10.8%) 2,032,506
Other (14.2%) 2,688,317
Total Property Tax 18,893,063
County Program Aid Reductions
2008 318,137
2009 239,793
2010 486,852
2010 377,495 Market Value Credit
Total 1,422,277
2011 County Program Aid 1,666,283
Budgeted Reduction 666,283
Balance 1,000,000
2011 Budget Increases
Jail 153,775 Not receiving as much revenue from other areas using the jail Probation Services
122,434 Court ordered probation for juveniles has gone upCoroner
15,000 More professional coroners office and they need aides to assist
Total 291,209
They have gone to a high deductible health plan that the employee picks up half the cost.
There was a lot of discussion regarding the 26,890,792 in outstanding debt. The bonding debt was for the county building, the detention center and the jail and some maintenance to the court house. There is also a bond for 3,545,000 for the Cedarview Nursing Home. The tax debt for the Cabela’s Three Corners has been paid off.
There were questions regarding the 3 million dollar reserve account and why the 200,000 needed for the levy couldn’t be taken from there. According to the commissioners the state recommends that you have a reserve of 50% which would be about 10million rather than the three they currently hold. Commissioners expressed concern that they would not be able to build that back up and they need that reserve for cash flow since they only get paid twice a year.
The presentation for the taxes was given. Agriculture tillable land was not increased but waste and woods were.
The breakdown of taxable property for Steele County is Residential 52%, Farm 31%, Commercial 11%, and Apartment 3%.
The portion paid is Residential 51%, Farm 23%, Commercial 20%, Apartments 3%
Commercial rate decreased 9.3% and Residential increased 9.12%.
The DM&E railroad sold some of their lines and paid less income tax therefore increasing property taxes for everyone else.
Tom Shea stated that they have no ability to change what they are doing because they are mandated by state statutes.
County Meeting Notes-December 14, 2010
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
December 14th County Board Meeting
It was a long session with several motions made and approved. The ones I made note of are the Work Force Center report and the wind turbine ordinance.
The 2011 tax levy and budget.
A grant application for 25,000 to participate in the regional dispatch study
The county commissioner salaries held even.
The Joint Powers agreement reimbursement (without the final amount determined).
The Human Services Committee Report
Contracts on annual basis for interpreter’s salaries were raised from $18.50 to $19.00 an hour with a minimum of ½ hour. The contract with the dental hygienist will continue. Public Health resignation and moved to South Country was approved. They will be getting county input first before the RFP to get payment by South Country going forward.
They presented a language resolution package and it was adopted. A regional tech resolution was also adopted to show the powers that be that they are trying to work regionally.
They applied for a grant of 10,000 for high risk families at risk of entering the child welfare system.
There has been a change in the state transportation volunteer program. The state will no longer be paying no load mileage to volunteers. The department is asking if the county can pick up the difference. No Load mileage is when the volunteer is driving without the client in the vehicle. (i.e. going to pick them up). They have reserved their decision until they get a few questions answered on liability insurance and the amount that would have to be picked up.
Work Force center report – There have been joint staff with MCI for two years and internships have been established. A full time position filled with two half time staff. They want to continue with the contract. A representative from the work force center was there. He indicated that they would like the opportunity to bid on the contract. They are meeting in January but in the mean time they approved the contract with MCI with the understanding they could be terminated with a 30 day notice. The workforce center did indicate they would be looking at closing the Owatonna office and that could impact a lot of people in the area. MCI is out of Mankato and the Work Force Center is funded through Rochester.
Wind Turbine Ordinance
They held discussion on the consideration of Wind Turbine Interim Ordinance. The interim ordinance would temporarily place a moratorium on building new wind turbines. The intent was to allow Steel County time to adopt official position on the adopted would be in effect for one year or until it is removed. They voted to adopt the ordinance at the meeting. They questioned why only mid range turbines were in question and the commissioners stated that the state has statutes on larger and smaller turbines and this size is left up to the county. There is a gap in the current ordinance and it needs to be investigated and resolved before others try to put up mid range turbines. The board wants an ordinance that allows people to continue with good faith. Other counties have done some research. The ordinance would pertain to the project and permitting and not involve conditional permits that have already been extended.
Public Hearing Industrial Development Revenue Bonds – SCCL
The industrial development revenue bonds were approved for Cedarview for $15,000,000. They are revenue bonds and would not affect the levy or the tax payer.
Transportation & Drainage Committee
The fee schedule was increased to be more reflective of actual costs. If a farmer has no other way to get to where they need to deliver product they can apply for a permit with the county and there will not be a fee for overweight usage on the roads.
The fleet card system for the maintenance and fuel operation was approved through US Bank.
They have completed the grants assisting with road flood repairs that FEMA does not assist with.
The RFP for the hwy restoration feasibility study to return the roads to before flood conditions was approved. In order to make the decisions they need estimates of priorities and costs assigned to the damage that was done to roads and facilities. Replacement cost is defined by them and they need a consultant team that is familiar with FEMA policies and have dealt with flood situations in the past. Adjusters International seemed to be discussed the most.
They approved the tax abatement date change and disaster credit for all properties affected by the flood.
Property and Maintenance Committee
Policy the chief deputy is less than the sheriff by 12,000 dollars was discussed. They also looked at a percentage difference as well. The issue was carried over until a study of the issue could be completed.
Three vehicles were voted on and approved for purchase.
The 800 mgz radio was approved to purchase all required equipment at 119,000.
Cedarview Board of DirectorsSCCL authorize additional capital not to exceed $25,000 to pay for assessments on the road so they can begin development. Steele County will make the payments to raise additional capital for the dererred assessments. The total assessment and interest will be paid to SCCL. They added a cut off date in case the property is not developed.
December 14th County Board Meeting
It was a long session with several motions made and approved. The ones I made note of are the Work Force Center report and the wind turbine ordinance.
The 2011 tax levy and budget.
A grant application for 25,000 to participate in the regional dispatch study
The county commissioner salaries held even.
The Joint Powers agreement reimbursement (without the final amount determined).
The Human Services Committee Report
Contracts on annual basis for interpreter’s salaries were raised from $18.50 to $19.00 an hour with a minimum of ½ hour. The contract with the dental hygienist will continue. Public Health resignation and moved to South Country was approved. They will be getting county input first before the RFP to get payment by South Country going forward.
They presented a language resolution package and it was adopted. A regional tech resolution was also adopted to show the powers that be that they are trying to work regionally.
They applied for a grant of 10,000 for high risk families at risk of entering the child welfare system.
There has been a change in the state transportation volunteer program. The state will no longer be paying no load mileage to volunteers. The department is asking if the county can pick up the difference. No Load mileage is when the volunteer is driving without the client in the vehicle. (i.e. going to pick them up). They have reserved their decision until they get a few questions answered on liability insurance and the amount that would have to be picked up.
Work Force center report – There have been joint staff with MCI for two years and internships have been established. A full time position filled with two half time staff. They want to continue with the contract. A representative from the work force center was there. He indicated that they would like the opportunity to bid on the contract. They are meeting in January but in the mean time they approved the contract with MCI with the understanding they could be terminated with a 30 day notice. The workforce center did indicate they would be looking at closing the Owatonna office and that could impact a lot of people in the area. MCI is out of Mankato and the Work Force Center is funded through Rochester.
Wind Turbine Ordinance
They held discussion on the consideration of Wind Turbine Interim Ordinance. The interim ordinance would temporarily place a moratorium on building new wind turbines. The intent was to allow Steel County time to adopt official position on the adopted would be in effect for one year or until it is removed. They voted to adopt the ordinance at the meeting. They questioned why only mid range turbines were in question and the commissioners stated that the state has statutes on larger and smaller turbines and this size is left up to the county. There is a gap in the current ordinance and it needs to be investigated and resolved before others try to put up mid range turbines. The board wants an ordinance that allows people to continue with good faith. Other counties have done some research. The ordinance would pertain to the project and permitting and not involve conditional permits that have already been extended.
Public Hearing Industrial Development Revenue Bonds – SCCL
The industrial development revenue bonds were approved for Cedarview for $15,000,000. They are revenue bonds and would not affect the levy or the tax payer.
Transportation & Drainage Committee
The fee schedule was increased to be more reflective of actual costs. If a farmer has no other way to get to where they need to deliver product they can apply for a permit with the county and there will not be a fee for overweight usage on the roads.
The fleet card system for the maintenance and fuel operation was approved through US Bank.
They have completed the grants assisting with road flood repairs that FEMA does not assist with.
The RFP for the hwy restoration feasibility study to return the roads to before flood conditions was approved. In order to make the decisions they need estimates of priorities and costs assigned to the damage that was done to roads and facilities. Replacement cost is defined by them and they need a consultant team that is familiar with FEMA policies and have dealt with flood situations in the past. Adjusters International seemed to be discussed the most.
They approved the tax abatement date change and disaster credit for all properties affected by the flood.
Property and Maintenance Committee
Policy the chief deputy is less than the sheriff by 12,000 dollars was discussed. They also looked at a percentage difference as well. The issue was carried over until a study of the issue could be completed.
Three vehicles were voted on and approved for purchase.
The 800 mgz radio was approved to purchase all required equipment at 119,000.
Cedarview Board of DirectorsSCCL authorize additional capital not to exceed $25,000 to pay for assessments on the road so they can begin development. Steele County will make the payments to raise additional capital for the dererred assessments. The total assessment and interest will be paid to SCCL. They added a cut off date in case the property is not developed.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Government Contracts for Business
Find out about Government contracts for business, plus lots more info like increasing sales, employment tax issues and clean technology by visiting the Minnesota Chamber's BusinessConnection website at

Monday, November 29, 2010
County Meeting Notes-November 23, 2010
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
I. CCSA Committee-a disbursement of $100,000 to organizations like Parent Provider, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Advocates for Developmental Disabilities, Healthy Seniors, SEMCAC, Clothesline, Crisis Resource Center, Steele Co Food Shelf, transitional housing program. Commissioners were appreciative to the committee for giving out $100,000 vs. the $200,000 they had in the past.
II. Sheriff’s Vehicle Purchases-
2002 Crown Victoria 83,000 miles; unmarked. Needs a transmission and new motor.
Option A: $5400 to repair-Blue book is under $5,000.
Option B: $17,430 for a new Impala
Option C: 1 year old program car at Hursh Motors Impala ’10 with 28,000 for $14,795.
Vehicle is used for investigations/administration. Sheriff wants Option B or C. Last years bond had 6 vehicles in it and they’ve purchased 2 so far, this would be a 3rd. Looks like the commissioners support the purchase of a new vehicle-they’ll approve at the meeting tonight.
III. Fund Transfer to SCCL, Inc.-treasurer was authorized for $100,000 and is requesting an additional $50,000. Comes out of Cedarview enterprise fund.
IV. Disaster Recovery Contract-discussed bids for hiring a recovery professional service to assist with the flood assistance process. Thoughts were to spend a little more money to hire a firm that they believe has the experience and quality in performing these duties.
V. Community center use during the fair- pushed it to a committee
VI. Board votes on officers for Southeast Service cooperative
VII. 2011 Budget: brief discussion after preapproval of budget. Cut 2% of levy in LGA
I. CCSA Committee-a disbursement of $100,000 to organizations like Parent Provider, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Advocates for Developmental Disabilities, Healthy Seniors, SEMCAC, Clothesline, Crisis Resource Center, Steele Co Food Shelf, transitional housing program. Commissioners were appreciative to the committee for giving out $100,000 vs. the $200,000 they had in the past.
II. Sheriff’s Vehicle Purchases-
2002 Crown Victoria 83,000 miles; unmarked. Needs a transmission and new motor.
Option A: $5400 to repair-Blue book is under $5,000.
Option B: $17,430 for a new Impala
Option C: 1 year old program car at Hursh Motors Impala ’10 with 28,000 for $14,795.
Vehicle is used for investigations/administration. Sheriff wants Option B or C. Last years bond had 6 vehicles in it and they’ve purchased 2 so far, this would be a 3rd. Looks like the commissioners support the purchase of a new vehicle-they’ll approve at the meeting tonight.
III. Fund Transfer to SCCL, Inc.-treasurer was authorized for $100,000 and is requesting an additional $50,000. Comes out of Cedarview enterprise fund.
IV. Disaster Recovery Contract-discussed bids for hiring a recovery professional service to assist with the flood assistance process. Thoughts were to spend a little more money to hire a firm that they believe has the experience and quality in performing these duties.
V. Community center use during the fair- pushed it to a committee
VI. Board votes on officers for Southeast Service cooperative
VII. 2011 Budget: brief discussion after preapproval of budget. Cut 2% of levy in LGA
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Business Connection-Get Answers to Your Business Questions
Thursday, November 04, 2010
City Council Notes-November 1, 2010
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Meeting started out with the Pledge of Allegiance and followed by comments from Marlene Nelson.
The biggest portion of the meeting was to address a petition from the business owners of the Oakdale Mall area to be exempt from the snow removal requirement on the sidewalk along the west side of Cedar Avenue from 18th Street SW to the Sacred Heart Cemetery. It is believed that there is not enough traffic to justify the expense. The petition was heard and will be discussed privately at a later date.
There were some miscellaneous items discussed and approved very quickly.
The Park and Rec. department gave an initial financial report of the River Springs Water Park. They will not have final numbers till December, but they estimated a positive revenue number of around $12,500. This was attributed mainly to the weather, but also some efficiencies learned from the previous year.
Council members encouraged everyone to vote and then the meeting was adjourned.
Meeting started out with the Pledge of Allegiance and followed by comments from Marlene Nelson.
The biggest portion of the meeting was to address a petition from the business owners of the Oakdale Mall area to be exempt from the snow removal requirement on the sidewalk along the west side of Cedar Avenue from 18th Street SW to the Sacred Heart Cemetery. It is believed that there is not enough traffic to justify the expense. The petition was heard and will be discussed privately at a later date.
There were some miscellaneous items discussed and approved very quickly.
The Park and Rec. department gave an initial financial report of the River Springs Water Park. They will not have final numbers till December, but they estimated a positive revenue number of around $12,500. This was attributed mainly to the weather, but also some efficiencies learned from the previous year.
Council members encouraged everyone to vote and then the meeting was adjourned.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
County Meeting Notes-October 12, 2010
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
5 Items discussed.
1. Lisa Havelka presented to the board an update of the Tourism activities. In addition, informed them of an upcoming request for $1000 for the So. MN Tourism fund. The board was receptive to Lisa's presentation and asked for continuous updates from Lisa (quarterly).
2. Flood Abatements - County re-enforced that any citizen affected by the flood (on the disaster log) gets an extra 30 days.
3. Jail - Discussed the desire to go to debit cards instead of checks to allow for tighter controls for inmates leaving.
4. Bldg Permit Fees - Bldg permits were discussed to be reduced or eliminated as result of the flood.
5. JOBZ Request - board was asked to rezone (Swap) an area to allow for a new company to take advantage of the JOBZ program.
5 Items discussed.
1. Lisa Havelka presented to the board an update of the Tourism activities. In addition, informed them of an upcoming request for $1000 for the So. MN Tourism fund. The board was receptive to Lisa's presentation and asked for continuous updates from Lisa (quarterly).
2. Flood Abatements - County re-enforced that any citizen affected by the flood (on the disaster log) gets an extra 30 days.
3. Jail - Discussed the desire to go to debit cards instead of checks to allow for tighter controls for inmates leaving.
4. Bldg Permit Fees - Bldg permits were discussed to be reduced or eliminated as result of the flood.
5. JOBZ Request - board was asked to rezone (Swap) an area to allow for a new company to take advantage of the JOBZ program.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Congressional Candidates Give Opinions on Health Care Bill, Economy and Card Check!
The Owatonna Area Chamber, along with Chambers of Commerce from across Minnesota’s First Congressional District have come together to provide our members with a candidate survey in the Congressional race.
As you may know, the race is among the most watched in the country. We had hoped for a series of Chamber sponsored candidate forums or debates, but unfortunately we were unable to confirm participation from the candidates.
To ensure you, our members, have the information from the candidates on their positions on key business issues, check out this survey at http://www.owatonna.org/documents/Side-by-SideResults.pdf.
As you may know, the race is among the most watched in the country. We had hoped for a series of Chamber sponsored candidate forums or debates, but unfortunately we were unable to confirm participation from the candidates.
To ensure you, our members, have the information from the candidates on their positions on key business issues, check out this survey at http://www.owatonna.org/documents/Side-by-SideResults.pdf.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Minnesota Business Connect

Utilize the knowledge of the Minnesota Chamber's Business Connect program for information like Small Business Assistance, Marketing Plans and Advertising Options, plus more!
Check out the site at: http://www.mnbizconnect.com/
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sheriff Candidate Forum-10/11/10
Hear from Steele County Sheriff Candidates Milo Dahlin, Lon Thiele and Gary Halverson at the October 11th forum.
MP3 File
MP3 File
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Steele County Districts 1,3,5 Forum
County District 1,3,5 candidates discuss issues and take questions from the audience.
District 1=Bruce Kubicek
District 3=Mark Schultz/Rick Gnemi
District 5=Tom Shea/Les Abraham
Appx. 1 hr.
MP3 File
District 1=Bruce Kubicek
District 3=Mark Schultz/Rick Gnemi
District 5=Tom Shea/Les Abraham
Appx. 1 hr.
MP3 File
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Owatonna is Still OPEN FOR BUSINESS
The 29 Businesses Impacted by Floods/Rain, and Every Other Business In Owatonna, Are Open!
Use Local Business for Your Home & Business Flood Restoration
For a full list of members, including contractors, roofers, professional cleaning services, go to http://www.owatonna.org/ or call 451.7970!
The 29 Businesses Impacted by Floods/Rain, and Every Other Business In Owatonna, Are Open!
Use Local Business for Your Home & Business Flood Restoration
For a full list of members, including contractors, roofers, professional cleaning services, go to http://www.owatonna.org/ or call 451.7970!
Temporarily Relocated Businesses
Due to the flood and heavy rain waters, the following businesses have temporarily relocated:
·Manke's Outdoor Equipment & Appliances will temporarily move their store operations to their large red building to the east of their main retail space
·State Farm-Plemel Agency will temporarily move their business operations into the Spherion Staffing offices at 120 Oakdale Street.
·Mark's Repair Service will temporarily move their operations into the former Worke Auto site at 1090 Brady Blvd.
·Owatonna Public Utilities will temporarily move their offices to the 3rd Floor Fire Hall and customer walk ins will be handled at Library
·American Rent – All will temporarily operate on same site but in large white building behind main facility
Westbridge Salon will temporarily operate out of Selective Looks - 109 N. Cedar - use salon's same phone number 455-1580
·Manke's Outdoor Equipment & Appliances will temporarily move their store operations to their large red building to the east of their main retail space
·State Farm-Plemel Agency will temporarily move their business operations into the Spherion Staffing offices at 120 Oakdale Street.
·Mark's Repair Service will temporarily move their operations into the former Worke Auto site at 1090 Brady Blvd.
·Owatonna Public Utilities will temporarily move their offices to the 3rd Floor Fire Hall and customer walk ins will be handled at Library
·American Rent – All will temporarily operate on same site but in large white building behind main facility
Westbridge Salon will temporarily operate out of Selective Looks - 109 N. Cedar - use salon's same phone number 455-1580
County Meeting Notes-September 28, 2010
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
1. Flood Update
a. Assistant Emergency Management Director has been appointed
·This is going to be a ½ time position
b. Debris removal – Landfill
·The landfill has been open extra hours during the week and on the weekends
·To date 400 tons of flood related material has been taken in
c. County Shop
·The county shop is relocating and plans to engage in a temporary lease agreement on thewest side of town (close to Aramark)
d. Property Tax
·Flooded properties named by the Steele County Assessor’s Office will have their 2nd half property tax late payment penalty waived for 30 calendar days
1. Flood Update
a. Assistant Emergency Management Director has been appointed
·This is going to be a ½ time position
b. Debris removal – Landfill
·The landfill has been open extra hours during the week and on the weekends
·To date 400 tons of flood related material has been taken in
c. County Shop
·The county shop is relocating and plans to engage in a temporary lease agreement on thewest side of town (close to Aramark)
d. Property Tax
·Flooded properties named by the Steele County Assessor’s Office will have their 2nd half property tax late payment penalty waived for 30 calendar days
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Flood Waters at the Chamber
View a brief video of the flood waters from the Chamber's back door on September 24th. We were fortnate not to have the water breach the sandbags.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
City Council Meeting Notes-September 21, 2010
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Fairly brisk meeting and somewhat trivialized due to today's flooding in town but here goes:
Dale Bowers installed as EDA member. It should be noted he replaced Dan Gorman who served on the EDA for 17 1/2 years.
Marlene Nelson took time in the public comment to be leery of declining home values and to prepare for less LGA and property tax income.
Approved request to apply for $560,000 Small Cities Development Program Grant.
Since the Bookmobile has been shut down this niche vehicle was approved to sell through a national broker to optimize sale price. Proceeds back to library budget.
Approval of sewer projects from to be paid out of the sewer fund. Local bid awarded that came in 21.8% under engineer's estimate.
Fairly brisk meeting and somewhat trivialized due to today's flooding in town but here goes:
Dale Bowers installed as EDA member. It should be noted he replaced Dan Gorman who served on the EDA for 17 1/2 years.
Marlene Nelson took time in the public comment to be leery of declining home values and to prepare for less LGA and property tax income.
Approved request to apply for $560,000 Small Cities Development Program Grant.
Since the Bookmobile has been shut down this niche vehicle was approved to sell through a national broker to optimize sale price. Proceeds back to library budget.
Approval of sewer projects from to be paid out of the sewer fund. Local bid awarded that came in 21.8% under engineer's estimate.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tax Provisions in the Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act was enacted on March 23, 2010. It contains some tax provisions that take effect this year and more that will be implemented during the next several years. The following is a list of provisions now in effect; additional information will be added to this page as it becomes available.
Employer-Provided Health Coverage — Not Taxable
Starting in tax year 2011, the Affordable Care Act requires employers to report the value of the health insurance coverage they provide employees on each employee's annual Form W-2. This reporting is for informational purposes only, to show employees the value of their health care benefits so they can be more informed consumers. The amount reported does not affect tax liability, as the value of the employer contribution to health coverage continues to be excludible from an employee's income and it is not taxable.
Small Business Health Care Tax Credit
This new credit helps small businesses and small tax-exempt organizations afford the cost of covering their employees and is specifically targeted for those with low- and moderate-income workers. The credit is designed to encourage small employers to offer health insurance coverage for the first time or maintain coverage they already have. In general, the credit is available to small employers that pay at least half the cost of single coverage for their employees. Learn more by browsing our page on the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit for Small Employers.
Changes to Flexible Spending Arrangements
Effective Jan. 1, 2011, the cost of an over-the-counter medicine or drug cannot be reimbursed from Flexible Spending Arrangements or health reimbursement arrangements unless a prescription is obtained. The change does not affect insulin, even if purchased without a prescription, or other health care expenses such as medical devices, eye glasses, contact lenses, co-pays and deductibles. The new standard applies only to purchases made on or after Jan. 1, 2011, so claims for medicines or drugs purchased without a prescription in 2010 can still be reimbursed in 2011, if allowed by the employer’s plan. A similar rule goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2011 for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), and Archer Medical Savings Accounts (Archer MSAs). Employers and employees should take these changes into account as they make health benefit decisions for 2011.
For more information, see news release IR-2010-95, Notice 2010-59, Revenue Ruling 2010-23 and our questions and answers.
Medicare Part D Coverage Gap “donut hole” Rebate
The Affordable Care Act provides a one-time $250 rebate in 2010 to assist Medicare Part D recipients who have reached their Medicare drug plan’s coverage gap. This payment is not taxable. This payment is not made by the IRS. More information can be found at www.medicare.gov.
Health Coverage for Older Children
Health coverage for an employee's children under 27 years of age is now generally tax-free to the employee. This expanded health care tax benefit applies to various work place and retiree health plans. These changes immediately allow employers with cafeteria plans –– plans that allow employees to choose from a menu of tax-free benefit options and cash or taxable benefits –– to permit employees to begin making pre-tax contributions to pay for this expanded benefit. This also applies to self-employed individuals who qualify for the self-employed health insurance deduction on their federal income tax return. Learn more by reading our news release or this notice.
Therapeutic Discovery Project Program
This program is designed to provide tax credits and grants to small firms that show significant potential to produce new and cost-saving therapies, support jobs and increase U.S. competitiveness. Firms could apply to have their research projects certified as eligible for the credit or grant. IRS guidance describes the application process. Companies could submit applications for certification beginning June 21, 2010, and applications had to be postmarked no later than July 21, 2010.
The program application period is now closed. Applications received that were postmarked by July 21, 2010, are currently being reviewed by both the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the IRS. All applicants will be notified by letter postmarked no later than Oct. 29, 2010, advising whether or not the application for certification is approved.
Learn more by reading the IRS news release, the news release issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the page on the HHS website and our questions and answers.
Excise Tax on Indoor Tanning Services
A 10-percent excise tax on indoor UV tanning services went into effect on July 1, 2010. The tax doesn't apply to phototherapy services performed by a licensed medical professional on his or her premises. There's also an exception for certain physical fitness facilities that offer tanning as an incidental service to members without a separately identifiable fee. For more information on the tax and how it will be administered, see our news release, video, questions and answers and legal guidance.
Additional Requirements for Tax-Exempt Hospitals
The Affordable Care Act adds requirements in the Internal Revenue Code that tax-exempt hospitals must meet to maintain their tax-exempt status. More information can be found in Notice 2010-39, which solicits written comments on the application of the new requirements. Comments must have been submitted by July 22, 2010.
For More Information
For tips, fact sheets, questions and answers, videos and more, see our Affordable Care Act of 2010: News Releases, Multimedia and Legal Guidance page.
Page Last Reviewed or Updated: September 03, 2010
Employer-Provided Health Coverage — Not Taxable
Starting in tax year 2011, the Affordable Care Act requires employers to report the value of the health insurance coverage they provide employees on each employee's annual Form W-2. This reporting is for informational purposes only, to show employees the value of their health care benefits so they can be more informed consumers. The amount reported does not affect tax liability, as the value of the employer contribution to health coverage continues to be excludible from an employee's income and it is not taxable.
Small Business Health Care Tax Credit
This new credit helps small businesses and small tax-exempt organizations afford the cost of covering their employees and is specifically targeted for those with low- and moderate-income workers. The credit is designed to encourage small employers to offer health insurance coverage for the first time or maintain coverage they already have. In general, the credit is available to small employers that pay at least half the cost of single coverage for their employees. Learn more by browsing our page on the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit for Small Employers.
Changes to Flexible Spending Arrangements
Effective Jan. 1, 2011, the cost of an over-the-counter medicine or drug cannot be reimbursed from Flexible Spending Arrangements or health reimbursement arrangements unless a prescription is obtained. The change does not affect insulin, even if purchased without a prescription, or other health care expenses such as medical devices, eye glasses, contact lenses, co-pays and deductibles. The new standard applies only to purchases made on or after Jan. 1, 2011, so claims for medicines or drugs purchased without a prescription in 2010 can still be reimbursed in 2011, if allowed by the employer’s plan. A similar rule goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2011 for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), and Archer Medical Savings Accounts (Archer MSAs). Employers and employees should take these changes into account as they make health benefit decisions for 2011.
For more information, see news release IR-2010-95, Notice 2010-59, Revenue Ruling 2010-23 and our questions and answers.
Medicare Part D Coverage Gap “donut hole” Rebate
The Affordable Care Act provides a one-time $250 rebate in 2010 to assist Medicare Part D recipients who have reached their Medicare drug plan’s coverage gap. This payment is not taxable. This payment is not made by the IRS. More information can be found at www.medicare.gov.
Health Coverage for Older Children
Health coverage for an employee's children under 27 years of age is now generally tax-free to the employee. This expanded health care tax benefit applies to various work place and retiree health plans. These changes immediately allow employers with cafeteria plans –– plans that allow employees to choose from a menu of tax-free benefit options and cash or taxable benefits –– to permit employees to begin making pre-tax contributions to pay for this expanded benefit. This also applies to self-employed individuals who qualify for the self-employed health insurance deduction on their federal income tax return. Learn more by reading our news release or this notice.
Therapeutic Discovery Project Program
This program is designed to provide tax credits and grants to small firms that show significant potential to produce new and cost-saving therapies, support jobs and increase U.S. competitiveness. Firms could apply to have their research projects certified as eligible for the credit or grant. IRS guidance describes the application process. Companies could submit applications for certification beginning June 21, 2010, and applications had to be postmarked no later than July 21, 2010.
The program application period is now closed. Applications received that were postmarked by July 21, 2010, are currently being reviewed by both the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the IRS. All applicants will be notified by letter postmarked no later than Oct. 29, 2010, advising whether or not the application for certification is approved.
Learn more by reading the IRS news release, the news release issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the page on the HHS website and our questions and answers.
Excise Tax on Indoor Tanning Services
A 10-percent excise tax on indoor UV tanning services went into effect on July 1, 2010. The tax doesn't apply to phototherapy services performed by a licensed medical professional on his or her premises. There's also an exception for certain physical fitness facilities that offer tanning as an incidental service to members without a separately identifiable fee. For more information on the tax and how it will be administered, see our news release, video, questions and answers and legal guidance.
Additional Requirements for Tax-Exempt Hospitals
The Affordable Care Act adds requirements in the Internal Revenue Code that tax-exempt hospitals must meet to maintain their tax-exempt status. More information can be found in Notice 2010-39, which solicits written comments on the application of the new requirements. Comments must have been submitted by July 22, 2010.
For More Information
For tips, fact sheets, questions and answers, videos and more, see our Affordable Care Act of 2010: News Releases, Multimedia and Legal Guidance page.
Page Last Reviewed or Updated: September 03, 2010
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Member Survey Results: School District's Aquisition of Pillsbury Campus

Click here to view the survey results.
You can also read more about the proposal by going to: http://www.owatonna.k12.mn.us/Whats%20New/pillsbury/index.htm
Thursday, September 02, 2010
February 2010 Talk of the Town
Chamber President Brad Meier gives business policy updates, as well as discussed the upcoming Member Appreciation Night with the Owatonna Express Hockey.
Also, Dave Schlobohm, Ace Construction is the featured member guest.
MP3 File
Also, Dave Schlobohm, Ace Construction is the featured member guest.
MP3 File
Friday, August 27, 2010
August 2010 Talk of the Town
Chamber President Brad Meier shares new updates.
Member Guest: Karen McMahon, Smooth Transitions Postpardum Doula Service.
Appx. 20 min.
MP3 File
Member Guest: Karen McMahon, Smooth Transitions Postpardum Doula Service.
Appx. 20 min.
MP3 File
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Growing & Retaining Business

Brad Meier, president/CEO
Grow Minnesota! – Retaining & Growing Businesses
Seven years of Statewide Success and Counting:
-55 Local partners – Including the OACCT.
-Over 500 private sector business leaders involved.
-Over 4,000 Face-to-face business visits.
-Close to 500 MN companies assisted.
-Programs operating in 57 MN counties.
-1,300 jobs retained in 2009 alone!
You can become involved in our local business retention program. Contact us for more information (507.451.7970 or oacct@owatonna.org).
The Steele County Free Fair-Good for Business
Lisa Havelka, tourism director
Every year almost 300,000 people attend the Steele County Free Fair with around 40% of attendees coming from out of town. And 30% of these visitors spend at least $50 or more at the SCFF. Apply the basic multiplier effect to these numbers and you can see how the SCFF has major economic benefits not only to our tourism industry but also to our retail and service industry.
The return on investment for businesses at the SCFF is priceless! A 2008 Survey of Visitors indicated that 85% of visitors visit the vendor booths at the Fair and 86% of all visitors say they will visit the Fair again next year.
Here’s what some OACCT members had to say about the 2010 SCFF:
•"The SCFF provides an excellent opportunity to show our products and services to a wide variety of customers," John Ryan, Store Manager, Karl's TV & Appliance
•"Great place to educate the public about chiropractic care and the benefits they can receive," Laura Seid, DC/Owner, Chiropractic Care of Owatonna
•"SCFF is a huge opportunity to get your product and sales team in front of a lot of people," John Heerema, Owner, Owatonna Granite and Monument.
Thanks to our Owatonna businesses that help support the Steele County Free Fair with sponsorships and vendor booths. The SCFF is a great place to do business! See you next year at the Fair!
For more information about Owatonna Tourism contact Lisa Havelka, tourism director lhavelka@owatonna.org or see Beverly Bowers, membership director for your businesses value of membership bbowers@owatonna.org.
Every year almost 300,000 people attend the Steele County Free Fair with around 40% of attendees coming from out of town. And 30% of these visitors spend at least $50 or more at the SCFF. Apply the basic multiplier effect to these numbers and you can see how the SCFF has major economic benefits not only to our tourism industry but also to our retail and service industry.
The return on investment for businesses at the SCFF is priceless! A 2008 Survey of Visitors indicated that 85% of visitors visit the vendor booths at the Fair and 86% of all visitors say they will visit the Fair again next year.
Here’s what some OACCT members had to say about the 2010 SCFF:
•"The SCFF provides an excellent opportunity to show our products and services to a wide variety of customers," John Ryan, Store Manager, Karl's TV & Appliance
•"Great place to educate the public about chiropractic care and the benefits they can receive," Laura Seid, DC/Owner, Chiropractic Care of Owatonna
•"SCFF is a huge opportunity to get your product and sales team in front of a lot of people," John Heerema, Owner, Owatonna Granite and Monument.
Thanks to our Owatonna businesses that help support the Steele County Free Fair with sponsorships and vendor booths. The SCFF is a great place to do business! See you next year at the Fair!
For more information about Owatonna Tourism contact Lisa Havelka, tourism director lhavelka@owatonna.org or see Beverly Bowers, membership director for your businesses value of membership bbowers@owatonna.org.
Photo caption: Jo Huntsman, Redbird Acupuncture Clinic and Dr. Laura Seid, Chiropractic Care of Owatonna talk with fairgoers in the Four Seasons Centre, August 17-22.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Steele County Board Notes-August 24, 2010
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Recording of the County Ditches. It appears that there is not clear title to the county ditches and an effort is underway to get these recorded. As it is in the property owners interest, they are paying for the recording fees and not taxpayer dollars.
In addition, there was a presentation from a member of the National Pork Board. This was an informational presentation that highlighted the pork industry and its vitality for Steele county and MN. It highlighted what advances the pork industry has made over the years. In addition, it touched on how many county jobs are generated through the Pork industry. After all, it is not just "the other white meat."
Lastly, Sheriff Gudmudson presented two proposals. First, to offer a food service plan that would offer "brunch" on weekend/holidays for the detention center. This is a cost saving measure and does not inhibit the required caloric intake. Second, was a plan to hire 4 Correctional Corporals. These would essentially be apprentices to the Correctional Sgts. In the end, this is a cost saving measure as well as the additional FTE will be able to be flexed and have the end result be not to pay OT for the year and will be a gain to the budget
Recording of the County Ditches. It appears that there is not clear title to the county ditches and an effort is underway to get these recorded. As it is in the property owners interest, they are paying for the recording fees and not taxpayer dollars.
In addition, there was a presentation from a member of the National Pork Board. This was an informational presentation that highlighted the pork industry and its vitality for Steele county and MN. It highlighted what advances the pork industry has made over the years. In addition, it touched on how many county jobs are generated through the Pork industry. After all, it is not just "the other white meat."
Lastly, Sheriff Gudmudson presented two proposals. First, to offer a food service plan that would offer "brunch" on weekend/holidays for the detention center. This is a cost saving measure and does not inhibit the required caloric intake. Second, was a plan to hire 4 Correctional Corporals. These would essentially be apprentices to the Correctional Sgts. In the end, this is a cost saving measure as well as the additional FTE will be able to be flexed and have the end result be not to pay OT for the year and will be a gain to the budget
Monday, August 23, 2010
City Council Meeting Notes-August 17, 2010
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
1)The council approved the purchase of two homes for flood mitigation. The homes were on Walnut Ave and East Vine. The home on Walnut will be purchased for $98,000.00 and east Vine will be purchased for $29,000.00. The East Vine home was a foreclosure and thus the lower price. Truelson and Dotson did question the price for the Walnut Ave home as it seems high for the market. There is state flood mitigation funds available for the Walnut Ave home of ½ the cost of the home and razing. Also, OPU will reimburse the city for this when some other homes surrounding this one are purchased.
2)Bids for the bridges on the North Strait River trail were accepted for a total of $204,000.00
3)Phase 3 of the Southeast Storm Sewer improvements was approved.
1)The council approved the purchase of two homes for flood mitigation. The homes were on Walnut Ave and East Vine. The home on Walnut will be purchased for $98,000.00 and east Vine will be purchased for $29,000.00. The East Vine home was a foreclosure and thus the lower price. Truelson and Dotson did question the price for the Walnut Ave home as it seems high for the market. There is state flood mitigation funds available for the Walnut Ave home of ½ the cost of the home and razing. Also, OPU will reimburse the city for this when some other homes surrounding this one are purchased.
2)Bids for the bridges on the North Strait River trail were accepted for a total of $204,000.00
3)Phase 3 of the Southeast Storm Sewer improvements was approved.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Candidate Forums Lining Up for Fall--Mark Your Calendar
Katie Nelson, marketing director
This fall’s upcoming candidate forum events can help you decide whose name you’ll select on your ballot. “I’ve made many of my voting decisions based on attending these forums,” states Barry Gillespie, ERA Gillespie Real Estate.
Event partners (OACCT, Owatonna People’s Press, Early Edition and Noon Rotary Clubs) held the Sheriff’s forum on August 2nd. Participants were able to gain a better understanding of all the candidates’ positions and after the primary, will have more opportunity to connect with the remaining candidates and make their final voting decision in November.
Mark your calendar for Mondays in October for forums on state senate 26, state representative 26A and county districts one, three and five. Forum partners are striving to secure our federal district candidates, as well as gubernatorial candidates, but no confirmations have been made to date.
More details to come. Watch the newsletter, Owatonna.org homepage, calendar of events and Facebook.com/owatonna and Owatonna People’s Press for further details. Forums are held at the Owatonna Country Club, 1991 Lemond Rd, from 11:30 AM-1:30 PM. Lunch is served from 11:30-Noon ($11); admittance is free at Noon.
This fall’s upcoming candidate forum events can help you decide whose name you’ll select on your ballot. “I’ve made many of my voting decisions based on attending these forums,” states Barry Gillespie, ERA Gillespie Real Estate.
Event partners (OACCT, Owatonna People’s Press, Early Edition and Noon Rotary Clubs) held the Sheriff’s forum on August 2nd. Participants were able to gain a better understanding of all the candidates’ positions and after the primary, will have more opportunity to connect with the remaining candidates and make their final voting decision in November.
Mark your calendar for Mondays in October for forums on state senate 26, state representative 26A and county districts one, three and five. Forum partners are striving to secure our federal district candidates, as well as gubernatorial candidates, but no confirmations have been made to date.
More details to come. Watch the newsletter, Owatonna.org homepage, calendar of events and Facebook.com/owatonna and Owatonna People’s Press for further details. Forums are held at the Owatonna Country Club, 1991 Lemond Rd, from 11:30 AM-1:30 PM. Lunch is served from 11:30-Noon ($11); admittance is free at Noon.
Tourism News & Events--Owatonna- Your Destination
Lisa Havelka, tourism director
Recently the Owatonna Tourism Department made a bid presentation to the Minnesota Rural Letter Carriers Association at their annual meeting in St. Cloud, MN. David Buecksler, a local rural letter carrier and state steward for the MN Rural Letter Carriers Association came to us requesting assistance in presenting and organizing a bid to the association in hopes to bring the 2012 Convention to Owatonna.
The Owatonna Tourism Department put together a lodging room block request, meeting space request and information on area attractions and group tours. The outcome was favorable – Owatonna will host the Minnesota Rural Letter Carriers Convention June 22-26, 2012! Around 150 officers and delegates of the Association will be in Owatonna for the Convention!
Owatonna Tourism is always looking to bring more meeting and conventions to Owatonna. Services are available to tour operators, show/event planners, families looking to plan a weekend getaway and all to OACCT members!
If you or your business is involved with a club, civic organization, service group, committee, church, employee group, recreation or hobby that has regular meetings, Owatonna Tourism would like to help you organizer your next meeting or convention.
Tourism Services include:
• Visitor Guides & Brochures for Tour Participants: get your attraction noticed by visitors by including a brochure or flier
• Maps for escort/driver: get visitors around Owatonna safely and conveniently
• Customized Tour Itineraries: make the visitors trip memorable
• Price/availability Request to Lodging Properties: best rates and availability for groups
• Welcome Bags: includes area coupons, brochures, pens and other Owatonna memorabilia
• Show/Event Bids: promote Owatonna as a location to host shows and events of all sizes
• Step-on Guide Services: $75/day for personalized guide services from the OACCT
Tell us about your next event and let Owatonna Tourism take it from there! Contact Lisa Havelka, Tourism Director for the Owatonna Chamber of Commerce & Tourism 507.451.7970 or lhavelka@owatonna.org
Recently the Owatonna Tourism Department made a bid presentation to the Minnesota Rural Letter Carriers Association at their annual meeting in St. Cloud, MN. David Buecksler, a local rural letter carrier and state steward for the MN Rural Letter Carriers Association came to us requesting assistance in presenting and organizing a bid to the association in hopes to bring the 2012 Convention to Owatonna.
The Owatonna Tourism Department put together a lodging room block request, meeting space request and information on area attractions and group tours. The outcome was favorable – Owatonna will host the Minnesota Rural Letter Carriers Convention June 22-26, 2012! Around 150 officers and delegates of the Association will be in Owatonna for the Convention!
Owatonna Tourism is always looking to bring more meeting and conventions to Owatonna. Services are available to tour operators, show/event planners, families looking to plan a weekend getaway and all to OACCT members!
If you or your business is involved with a club, civic organization, service group, committee, church, employee group, recreation or hobby that has regular meetings, Owatonna Tourism would like to help you organizer your next meeting or convention.
Tourism Services include:
• Visitor Guides & Brochures for Tour Participants: get your attraction noticed by visitors by including a brochure or flier
• Maps for escort/driver: get visitors around Owatonna safely and conveniently
• Customized Tour Itineraries: make the visitors trip memorable
• Price/availability Request to Lodging Properties: best rates and availability for groups
• Welcome Bags: includes area coupons, brochures, pens and other Owatonna memorabilia
• Show/Event Bids: promote Owatonna as a location to host shows and events of all sizes
• Step-on Guide Services: $75/day for personalized guide services from the OACCT
Tell us about your next event and let Owatonna Tourism take it from there! Contact Lisa Havelka, Tourism Director for the Owatonna Chamber of Commerce & Tourism 507.451.7970 or lhavelka@owatonna.org
New Leadership Owatonna Class Announced
Rhonda Guthier, operations director
The OACCT along with partner Riverland Community College will be holding its annual kick off picnic on Tuesday, August 10th at the Gainey Conference Center.
The goal of the program is to develop knowledge and understanding of our community: its complexities and potential; to provide an opportunity for participants to meet and exchange ideas with each other and current community leaders. The intent is to motivate and encourage participants to assume individual leadership roles in community affairs.
Congratulations to the 2010/2011 Leadership Owatonna incoming class:
Doug Betti (Viracon)
Tim Ceglo (Cash Wise Foods)
Scott Chabot (Pearson, NCS)
David Christopherson (Gainey Conference Center)
Laura Dalland (Viracon)
Matthew Durand (City of Owatonna)
Alan Fraboni (Pearson, NCS)
Mary Gontarek (Owatonna Public Library)
Kurt Halverson (Hometown Credit Union)
Stephanie Hanson (Wenger Corporation)
Diane Holland (Century 21 Vision Real Estate)
Lisa Krause (Owatonna Clinic-Mayo Health System)
Jamie Kreuser (Steele County Attorney’s Office)
Mark Krug (Owatonna Public Schools)
Jane Kubista (Wells Fargo)
Loren Olson (United Methodist Church)
Dawn Rathai (Federated Insurance Company)
Lance Resner (Wells Fargo Bank)
Kathleen Smith (U.S. Bank)
Darci Stanford (South Central College)
Christy Tryhus (Riverland Community College)
Pauline VanNurden (Riverland Community College)
Nicholas Vincelli (Horizon Eyecare Professional)
The OACCT along with partner Riverland Community College will be holding its annual kick off picnic on Tuesday, August 10th at the Gainey Conference Center.
The goal of the program is to develop knowledge and understanding of our community: its complexities and potential; to provide an opportunity for participants to meet and exchange ideas with each other and current community leaders. The intent is to motivate and encourage participants to assume individual leadership roles in community affairs.
Congratulations to the 2010/2011 Leadership Owatonna incoming class:
Doug Betti (Viracon)
Tim Ceglo (Cash Wise Foods)
Scott Chabot (Pearson, NCS)
David Christopherson (Gainey Conference Center)
Laura Dalland (Viracon)
Matthew Durand (City of Owatonna)
Alan Fraboni (Pearson, NCS)
Mary Gontarek (Owatonna Public Library)
Kurt Halverson (Hometown Credit Union)
Stephanie Hanson (Wenger Corporation)
Diane Holland (Century 21 Vision Real Estate)
Lisa Krause (Owatonna Clinic-Mayo Health System)
Jamie Kreuser (Steele County Attorney’s Office)
Mark Krug (Owatonna Public Schools)
Jane Kubista (Wells Fargo)
Loren Olson (United Methodist Church)
Dawn Rathai (Federated Insurance Company)
Lance Resner (Wells Fargo Bank)
Kathleen Smith (U.S. Bank)
Darci Stanford (South Central College)
Christy Tryhus (Riverland Community College)
Pauline VanNurden (Riverland Community College)
Nicholas Vincelli (Horizon Eyecare Professional)
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Steele County Board Notes-July 27, 2010
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
1. Property tax option for storm damage – Glen Purdie
Damage estimates distributed to panel
Glen proposed 3 options all of which are reimbursable by the state
2. Grant for video conferencing equipment - Mike Johnson
State grant for $19k good for one year
Bid came in at $17, 452
this would be for video conferencing equipment on the 3rd level of the fire station.
equipment would be owned by Steele County
used for Emergency Management video conferencing and would be on the state network
talked about opening up the use to other parties but this is not recommended
policy on usage to be drafted along with annual budget expectation ($600/year maintenance contract)
3. Donation to jail programs – Dan Schember/Jen Pfeifer
Martha Muska (sp?) donated $5,000 to setup/implement assistance for mental health issues
Provide medication to help inmates/patients
Would like this to be seed money to get additional contributions
Would like this to be coined ‘The Donald Muska Fund’
Motion was made to establish fund
4. Septic System Loan Agreement – Scott Golberg
In 6th year of loan program
2nd 3 year agreement with state
Asked for an exception to extend the loan for another year
If extended we’ll have to reapply for another 3 year agreement in August 2011
5. SCCL Master Agreement – Steve Rohlik
This was confusing but the county is selling building and land to SCCL (Steele county already owns 50% of SCCL)
DHS owns properties now
Master agreement to be discussed at the 7:00 p.m. meeting tonight
6. Kay Oberle retirement 9/23/10 (HR Director)
Writing a new job description was proposed
Deferring decision to management committee
Kay asked to draft of list of her current responsibilities
7. August calendar
Movement of some dates
1. Property tax option for storm damage – Glen Purdie
Damage estimates distributed to panel
Glen proposed 3 options all of which are reimbursable by the state
2. Grant for video conferencing equipment - Mike Johnson
State grant for $19k good for one year
Bid came in at $17, 452
this would be for video conferencing equipment on the 3rd level of the fire station.
equipment would be owned by Steele County
used for Emergency Management video conferencing and would be on the state network
talked about opening up the use to other parties but this is not recommended
policy on usage to be drafted along with annual budget expectation ($600/year maintenance contract)
3. Donation to jail programs – Dan Schember/Jen Pfeifer
Martha Muska (sp?) donated $5,000 to setup/implement assistance for mental health issues
Provide medication to help inmates/patients
Would like this to be seed money to get additional contributions
Would like this to be coined ‘The Donald Muska Fund’
Motion was made to establish fund
4. Septic System Loan Agreement – Scott Golberg
In 6th year of loan program
2nd 3 year agreement with state
Asked for an exception to extend the loan for another year
If extended we’ll have to reapply for another 3 year agreement in August 2011
5. SCCL Master Agreement – Steve Rohlik
This was confusing but the county is selling building and land to SCCL (Steele county already owns 50% of SCCL)
DHS owns properties now
Master agreement to be discussed at the 7:00 p.m. meeting tonight
6. Kay Oberle retirement 9/23/10 (HR Director)
Writing a new job description was proposed
Deferring decision to management committee
Kay asked to draft of list of her current responsibilities
7. August calendar
Movement of some dates
Friday, July 23, 2010
July 2010-Talk of the Town
OACCT President Brad Meier gives the latest Chamber news and updates!
Member Guest: Steele County Humane Society/Kelly Martin
Appx. 20 min.
MP3 File
Member Guest: Steele County Humane Society/Kelly Martin
Appx. 20 min.
MP3 File
City Council Notes-July 20, 2010
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Public comments were:
1)concerns about city council members being required to live within city limits
2) concerns about the amount of property the city owns that are then not providing any tax revenue.
3) Comments were also given as to the old hospital and what is being done with it
Miscellaneous consent items and actions were approved., There was a first reading of a proposed change to increase the fines to lot owners for mowing heights from $25 to $75 and also to raise the mowed height from 6” to 8”. There was a viewing of a short video from the League of Minnesota cities concerning the budget issues facing cities to raise awareness of the issue there will be more to follow. These will be distributed between fall 2010 and spring 2011.
Meeting adjourned before 8 PM
Public comments were:
1)concerns about city council members being required to live within city limits
2) concerns about the amount of property the city owns that are then not providing any tax revenue.
3) Comments were also given as to the old hospital and what is being done with it
Miscellaneous consent items and actions were approved., There was a first reading of a proposed change to increase the fines to lot owners for mowing heights from $25 to $75 and also to raise the mowed height from 6” to 8”. There was a viewing of a short video from the League of Minnesota cities concerning the budget issues facing cities to raise awareness of the issue there will be more to follow. These will be distributed between fall 2010 and spring 2011.
Meeting adjourned before 8 PM
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Steele County Board Notes-July 13, 2010
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Most of the time was spent listening to problems with rain water runoff at Beaver Lake. It was sent to committee. Two fellows from Matt Lewis Construction got a permit to have a drive way approved. Maintenance issues are being handled at the Steele County Fair. There will be a deputy on duty at the County Court house when job slot is filled.
20 Acres were deeded to the county in Summit Township. Bixby is seeking grant money for upgrading their sewer. The sheriff’s office will provide local security for Medford.
Most of the time was spent listening to problems with rain water runoff at Beaver Lake. It was sent to committee. Two fellows from Matt Lewis Construction got a permit to have a drive way approved. Maintenance issues are being handled at the Steele County Fair. There will be a deputy on duty at the County Court house when job slot is filled.
20 Acres were deeded to the county in Summit Township. Bixby is seeking grant money for upgrading their sewer. The sheriff’s office will provide local security for Medford.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Steele County Board Notes-June 21, 2010
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Chamber of Commerce Policy Committee Report
Steele County Board Meeting, June 21st
3:00pm East Beltline EA/EAW – WSB & Associates
Anita Benson – Public Works Director, County Engineer and Jack Forslund – WSB gave East Beltline Workshop. They handed out agendas and a Project Matrix that included where they are and summaries of open houses held to date. The information is also available on their website.
The Beltline Technical Advisory Committee includes the City of Owatonna, MNDot and Steele County and meets every month to complete study analysis. News releases and two open houses have been held regarding the East Beltline. April 29th and June 2nd and they will have one more to present the recommended alternative analysis methodology. They are looking at a September timeframe.
A question was asked by commissioners if input from the townships were going to be included. It was decided they should be included in the conversation. They will include them going forward.
In general there seemed to be an equal number of valid comments or concerns for either of the eastern beltline options. They expressed the need for an objective evaluation to compare the beltline options. Evaluation criteria for comparing options may include wetland impacts, farmland impacts, forecasted daily traffic, travel time savings, right of way needs, construction costs, etc….need to remove the emotional aspects and determine what is best for the community.
They are upgrading HWY 14 to a freeway status and all at grade intersections will be eliminated escalating the need for a determination of the connection to HWY 14 and the East Beltline. The East beltline study will determine where to place the East Beltline interchange will be located.
Final report from the Advisory Committee is scheduled for April 2011. The surveys completed by the county commissioners and township supervisors will assist with weighting. Including the following categories:
Current Survey (each category is weighted 1 – 10)
Project Cost 9
Increased County Maintenance 8
Wetland Impacts 2
Farmland Impacts 5
Daily Traffic 6
Mobility (travel time) 3
Consistency with comprehensive plan 5
Number of required relocations 7
Number of property access points 5
Number of directly impacted farms 5
Wildlife habitat Impacts 5
Next steps – commissioners and township supervisors will complete surveys that will be used as a tool to make decisions and lead them in the right direction. Once they have the composite score they will issue the report.
If the county gets money from the fed and select longer term project funding challenge to get the hwy done - Hwy 43 and will handle traffic now. They will start making acquisitions throughout to get the ability to do that. Once they designate corridor any construction has to meet the needs of the county for that corridor. Currently both corridors are officially mapped. East beltline originally mapped so there has to be collaboration between the city the county and property owners. Decisions are driven by traffic demand and decisions made by the county. You might still need to connect to 43rd in the interim until 34th can be connected to 26th St. Kenyon road might be affected by the decision as well. Interim projects should be taken into consideration before weighting the report by the beltline technical advisory committee. County Commissioners added the interim construction under Mobility on the survey.
4:00pm Dental and Life Insurance
The county must bid their insurance every five years by statute.
Life - They sent out for bids and received five bids. MN Life came back as the lowest bid and they are the company they are currently with. It will be cheaper for the employee and the county. The new rates will begin in September. Savings of about $12,000 a 25% reduction.
Dental – Oaks has been looking at Dental trying to get a better rate for the county. They presented it to a meeting and had the employees vote ending at the end of this week going into effect August 1st. Cheaper and guaranteed for 2011 we know if we didn’t change Humana would go up at least 7%.
4:30pm Storm Damage Report
Local disaster declaration would impact this years taxes in 2010
Credits payable next year disaster credits……..homestead disaster credit area has to be an emergency area which it has been. 25 have to have been damaged at 5,000 total county value and 1% is reported 3.2 billion currently there were only 24 reported.
Any storm related damage it needs to be reported to the county. Reporting is very similar to flood reporting. Disaster abatement applies homestead applies only to houses not outbuildings. Damage that’s repaired made by the inspectors and Keep us informed. No roads lost. Road signs twisted but no roads and trees down power lines were back up and get loads out leaning on 45 and should be fixed today. Lots of debris roads were good Blooming Prairie Township and Berlin had theirs cleared provided traffic control and let the townships take care of it. Minimal damage.
Chamber of Commerce Policy Committee Report
Steele County Board Meeting, June 21st
3:00pm East Beltline EA/EAW – WSB & Associates
Anita Benson – Public Works Director, County Engineer and Jack Forslund – WSB gave East Beltline Workshop. They handed out agendas and a Project Matrix that included where they are and summaries of open houses held to date. The information is also available on their website.
The Beltline Technical Advisory Committee includes the City of Owatonna, MNDot and Steele County and meets every month to complete study analysis. News releases and two open houses have been held regarding the East Beltline. April 29th and June 2nd and they will have one more to present the recommended alternative analysis methodology. They are looking at a September timeframe.
A question was asked by commissioners if input from the townships were going to be included. It was decided they should be included in the conversation. They will include them going forward.
In general there seemed to be an equal number of valid comments or concerns for either of the eastern beltline options. They expressed the need for an objective evaluation to compare the beltline options. Evaluation criteria for comparing options may include wetland impacts, farmland impacts, forecasted daily traffic, travel time savings, right of way needs, construction costs, etc….need to remove the emotional aspects and determine what is best for the community.
They are upgrading HWY 14 to a freeway status and all at grade intersections will be eliminated escalating the need for a determination of the connection to HWY 14 and the East Beltline. The East beltline study will determine where to place the East Beltline interchange will be located.
Final report from the Advisory Committee is scheduled for April 2011. The surveys completed by the county commissioners and township supervisors will assist with weighting. Including the following categories:
Current Survey (each category is weighted 1 – 10)
Project Cost 9
Increased County Maintenance 8
Wetland Impacts 2
Farmland Impacts 5
Daily Traffic 6
Mobility (travel time) 3
Consistency with comprehensive plan 5
Number of required relocations 7
Number of property access points 5
Number of directly impacted farms 5
Wildlife habitat Impacts 5
Next steps – commissioners and township supervisors will complete surveys that will be used as a tool to make decisions and lead them in the right direction. Once they have the composite score they will issue the report.
If the county gets money from the fed and select longer term project funding challenge to get the hwy done - Hwy 43 and will handle traffic now. They will start making acquisitions throughout to get the ability to do that. Once they designate corridor any construction has to meet the needs of the county for that corridor. Currently both corridors are officially mapped. East beltline originally mapped so there has to be collaboration between the city the county and property owners. Decisions are driven by traffic demand and decisions made by the county. You might still need to connect to 43rd in the interim until 34th can be connected to 26th St. Kenyon road might be affected by the decision as well. Interim projects should be taken into consideration before weighting the report by the beltline technical advisory committee. County Commissioners added the interim construction under Mobility on the survey.
4:00pm Dental and Life Insurance
The county must bid their insurance every five years by statute.
Life - They sent out for bids and received five bids. MN Life came back as the lowest bid and they are the company they are currently with. It will be cheaper for the employee and the county. The new rates will begin in September. Savings of about $12,000 a 25% reduction.
Dental – Oaks has been looking at Dental trying to get a better rate for the county. They presented it to a meeting and had the employees vote ending at the end of this week going into effect August 1st. Cheaper and guaranteed for 2011 we know if we didn’t change Humana would go up at least 7%.
4:30pm Storm Damage Report
Local disaster declaration would impact this years taxes in 2010
Credits payable next year disaster credits……..homestead disaster credit area has to be an emergency area which it has been. 25 have to have been damaged at 5,000 total county value and 1% is reported 3.2 billion currently there were only 24 reported.
Any storm related damage it needs to be reported to the county. Reporting is very similar to flood reporting. Disaster abatement applies homestead applies only to houses not outbuildings. Damage that’s repaired made by the inspectors and Keep us informed. No roads lost. Road signs twisted but no roads and trees down power lines were back up and get loads out leaning on 45 and should be fixed today. Lots of debris roads were good Blooming Prairie Township and Berlin had theirs cleared provided traffic control and let the townships take care of it. Minimal damage.
Friday, July 02, 2010
Paperwork Burdens in New Health Care Law
By Doug Loon
VP Regional Affairs
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Businesses, large and small, have many questions regarding the 2400-page health care reform bill – the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) - that became law earlier this year. The complex legislation has made sweeping changes to our country’s health care system and will impose many new requirements and mandates for employers. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce believes one in particular, unrelated to health care, should be repealed immediately. Included in Section 9006 of the PPACA is a provision that greatly expands the requirement for businesses to file information returns to the IRS. The provision was used as an unrelated “pay for” in the PPACA and we believe it should be rescinded based on the merits of the provision alone.
Starting in 2012, companies of all sizes will have to file a Form 1099-MISC with the IRS for all payments made to businesses in the 2011 calendar year, aggregating $600 or more for the purchase of property (goods) and services. The new law lifted the exemption for purchases from corporations and expanded the requirement to include property (goods).
Unless this section is repealed, businesses across the nation will be subjected to the folly of data collection and information filing on virtually all business-to-business transactions they make aggregating $600 or more in a year. This, at a time when many can least afford it. When the United States is depending on the small business community to generate jobs and grow the economy, lawmakers are diverting their precious time and resources to collecting volumes of information and filling out mounds of new paperwork for the government.
If implemented, Section 9006 of the PPACA will also have a chilling effect on new business relationships, most of which will be small businesses and startups. We fear that many businesses, in an attempt to reduce data collection and paperwork burdens, will simply reduce vendors and refuse to entertain new business dealings. This will have a disproportional impact on small businesses and entrepreneurs attempting to get a foot in the door.
The ultimate irony of these new burdens is that the IRS neither has the resources nor the ability to use the new information to reconstruct an accurate picture of a company’s revenues since a large volume of business-to-consumer transactions are not reported. While the vast majority of compliant taxpayers will bear the cost of implementing this law, it will have only minimal benefit as a government tool in reducing non-compliance.
H.R. 5141, the “Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act,” would repeal these onerous paperwork burdens imposed on business by this ill-conceived mandate. We urge business leaders to call their member of congress and urge support for this bill to repeal this onerous provision of the new health care law.
VP Regional Affairs
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Businesses, large and small, have many questions regarding the 2400-page health care reform bill – the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) - that became law earlier this year. The complex legislation has made sweeping changes to our country’s health care system and will impose many new requirements and mandates for employers. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce believes one in particular, unrelated to health care, should be repealed immediately. Included in Section 9006 of the PPACA is a provision that greatly expands the requirement for businesses to file information returns to the IRS. The provision was used as an unrelated “pay for” in the PPACA and we believe it should be rescinded based on the merits of the provision alone.
Starting in 2012, companies of all sizes will have to file a Form 1099-MISC with the IRS for all payments made to businesses in the 2011 calendar year, aggregating $600 or more for the purchase of property (goods) and services. The new law lifted the exemption for purchases from corporations and expanded the requirement to include property (goods).
Unless this section is repealed, businesses across the nation will be subjected to the folly of data collection and information filing on virtually all business-to-business transactions they make aggregating $600 or more in a year. This, at a time when many can least afford it. When the United States is depending on the small business community to generate jobs and grow the economy, lawmakers are diverting their precious time and resources to collecting volumes of information and filling out mounds of new paperwork for the government.
If implemented, Section 9006 of the PPACA will also have a chilling effect on new business relationships, most of which will be small businesses and startups. We fear that many businesses, in an attempt to reduce data collection and paperwork burdens, will simply reduce vendors and refuse to entertain new business dealings. This will have a disproportional impact on small businesses and entrepreneurs attempting to get a foot in the door.
The ultimate irony of these new burdens is that the IRS neither has the resources nor the ability to use the new information to reconstruct an accurate picture of a company’s revenues since a large volume of business-to-consumer transactions are not reported. While the vast majority of compliant taxpayers will bear the cost of implementing this law, it will have only minimal benefit as a government tool in reducing non-compliance.
H.R. 5141, the “Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act,” would repeal these onerous paperwork burdens imposed on business by this ill-conceived mandate. We urge business leaders to call their member of congress and urge support for this bill to repeal this onerous provision of the new health care law.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Six Ways We Serve You
Membership Strengthen membership to represent the significant majority of business in Steele County and meet members’ needs and expectations.
Economic Development Maintain a strong economic development environment for the community.
Advocacy Create a public policy agenda that will reflect business priorities, enhancing the climate for growing businesses.
Tourism Development Maximize the viability of the Owatonna area as a travel destination.
Community Serve as a resource center for the community by providing information and personal service to inquirers and visitors.
Model Chamber To be recognized as the premier business resource center for economic growth, education and relationship building.
Economic Development Maintain a strong economic development environment for the community.
Advocacy Create a public policy agenda that will reflect business priorities, enhancing the climate for growing businesses.
Tourism Development Maximize the viability of the Owatonna area as a travel destination.
Community Serve as a resource center for the community by providing information and personal service to inquirers and visitors.
Model Chamber To be recognized as the premier business resource center for economic growth, education and relationship building.
5 Days of Fun

What is Crazy Days? We believe it could be/should be a million dollar event-before any multiplier/re-spending factor. We estimated the economic impact of last year’s Crazy Days in excess of half a million dollars.
But, with the transition of the Owatonna Business Partnership to the OACCT Promotions Committee, this promotion is now open to all OACCT members. And, the potential economic impact for our community could be much greater! But, Crazy Days is more-it’s Sidewalk Sales, Children’s Parade, Music, Fun, Hog Roast, Street Dance, Class Reunions, Arts Fair, Visitors, Meeting Friends and sharing our community.
Where is Crazy Days? A lot of the activities will be downtown, but Crazy Days includes the entire Owatonna Community.
When is Crazy Days? This month! July 21-25th.
How do we plan and coordinate Crazy Days? The Promotions Committee of OACCT plans and coordinates Crazy Days with the help of a lot of member businesses and volunteers.
Why do we have Crazy Days? Crazy Days is part social and part economics-fun! We like to think Crazy Days is the second biggest get together in Steele County-some classes plan their class reunions around it!
Crazy Days brings many visitors and shoppers to our community. It generates additional traffic and revenues for our community-it is our own Economic Stimulus package!
Who makes Crazy Days happen? You-our members! The Promotions Committee needs your help to make this year’s Crazy Days promotion another great event. You are encouraged to participate. If you would like to participate, volunteer, or have questions-please contact a Committee member or the Chamber. You’ll have fun and you’ll get lots of support!
But, with the transition of the Owatonna Business Partnership to the OACCT Promotions Committee, this promotion is now open to all OACCT members. And, the potential economic impact for our community could be much greater! But, Crazy Days is more-it’s Sidewalk Sales, Children’s Parade, Music, Fun, Hog Roast, Street Dance, Class Reunions, Arts Fair, Visitors, Meeting Friends and sharing our community.
Where is Crazy Days? A lot of the activities will be downtown, but Crazy Days includes the entire Owatonna Community.
When is Crazy Days? This month! July 21-25th.
How do we plan and coordinate Crazy Days? The Promotions Committee of OACCT plans and coordinates Crazy Days with the help of a lot of member businesses and volunteers.
Why do we have Crazy Days? Crazy Days is part social and part economics-fun! We like to think Crazy Days is the second biggest get together in Steele County-some classes plan their class reunions around it!
Crazy Days brings many visitors and shoppers to our community. It generates additional traffic and revenues for our community-it is our own Economic Stimulus package!
Who makes Crazy Days happen? You-our members! The Promotions Committee needs your help to make this year’s Crazy Days promotion another great event. You are encouraged to participate. If you would like to participate, volunteer, or have questions-please contact a Committee member or the Chamber. You’ll have fun and you’ll get lots of support!
Business After Hours Adds 13th Event
5 Years of Service
Does It Catch Your Eye?

By Brad Meier, president/ CEO
We hope you enjoy the new look of the Chamber Business Brief. This publication has been a main stay for communicating the organization’s efforts to our members for many years, probably since the organization began back in the 1946.
This redesign is part of an overall effort to improve the way we provide information to you. Committee forms, membership and benefits information, sponsorships, events, and much more will have the improved design. You will also notice that many of the photos feature members of the chamber.
The Chamber Board of Directors believed the small investment in these upgrades is important for communication with membership. We’d like to thank Tri M Graphics for doing the redesign work. Updating the website will be next on the list.
This redesign is part of an overall effort to improve the way we provide information to you. Committee forms, membership and benefits information, sponsorships, events, and much more will have the improved design. You will also notice that many of the photos feature members of the chamber.
The Chamber Board of Directors believed the small investment in these upgrades is important for communication with membership. We’d like to thank Tri M Graphics for doing the redesign work. Updating the website will be next on the list.
Get Back In The Game

By Katie Nelson, marketing director
Have you made plans for this best-ball event, hosted by Lincoln Financial?
Register before July 16th to be automatically entered to win a limo and airplane ride from McCabe Limo and Hometown Motors!
The Chamber’s annual golf event is scheduled for Thursday, August 5th at the Owatonna Country Club.
Also, lots of marketing opportunities are available to reach this group of golfers! Donate promotional door prizes and golfer goody bag items that represent your business! Please drop off your items by July 30th to the OACCT office.
Contact Katie at knelson@owatonna.org to sign up or ask about sponsorships!
Also, find the registration form in this month’s Chamber Pack envelope or go to www.Owatonna.org.
Register before July 16th to be automatically entered to win a limo and airplane ride from McCabe Limo and Hometown Motors!
The Chamber’s annual golf event is scheduled for Thursday, August 5th at the Owatonna Country Club.
Also, lots of marketing opportunities are available to reach this group of golfers! Donate promotional door prizes and golfer goody bag items that represent your business! Please drop off your items by July 30th to the OACCT office.
Contact Katie at knelson@owatonna.org to sign up or ask about sponsorships!
Also, find the registration form in this month’s Chamber Pack envelope or go to www.Owatonna.org.
Monday, June 28, 2010
June 2010 Talk of the Town
Chamber President Brad Meier discusses programs and involvement in Leadership Owatonna, tourism services, 5 Day of Fun, Grow MN!, downtown parking advocacy, golf event and the Chamber's website and Facebook pages.
Member guest: Cathy Martin, Block Plumbing & Heating and Just One More
Appx 16 min. MP3 File
Member guest: Cathy Martin, Block Plumbing & Heating and Just One More
Appx 16 min. MP3 File
Friday, June 18, 2010
City Council Notes-June 15th
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Owatonna City Council Meeting
Oath of office for newly appointed Planning Commission Member – Catherine Benner
Public Comments:
A citizen was curious about some additional land purchased by the city
i. Wanted to know how much was actually owned total and intentions for the new land
ii. “Why buy land when we are broke”
Financial report given
New liquor license approved for business going into Webers – Reggie’s Brewhouse
Amendment to 2010 Budget due to reduction from the state
Receiving less in market value homestead credit - $467,721
i. Various cuts throughout the budget
ii. Health coverage for employees
iii. Reduction of Building Inspection Office
1. This became a discussion point for many of the local contactors due to the impact of a reduced staff to conduct required inspections
2. Delays construction projects because inspections are not conducted in a timely manner
3. Request to the City was to have a plan/policy
Owatonna City Council Meeting
Oath of office for newly appointed Planning Commission Member – Catherine Benner
Public Comments:
A citizen was curious about some additional land purchased by the city
i. Wanted to know how much was actually owned total and intentions for the new land
ii. “Why buy land when we are broke”
Financial report given
New liquor license approved for business going into Webers – Reggie’s Brewhouse
Amendment to 2010 Budget due to reduction from the state
Receiving less in market value homestead credit - $467,721
i. Various cuts throughout the budget
ii. Health coverage for employees
iii. Reduction of Building Inspection Office
1. This became a discussion point for many of the local contactors due to the impact of a reduced staff to conduct required inspections
2. Delays construction projects because inspections are not conducted in a timely manner
3. Request to the City was to have a plan/policy
Thursday, June 03, 2010
City Council Notes-June 1, 2010
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is for volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
The June 1st meeting would have been pretty quick and standard except for our newest business addition to the area. First off, the new interim police chief was sworn in. We did a first reading of a proposed ordinance change with regard to real property sale/purchase. This was followed by the hearing on some curb and gutter assessments. Tucker Carlson from Charter Communications discussed some improvements in service.
Then came the issue of the evening, The Lion's Den. There was a lengthy public comment on the business. Council was presented with a petition to do whatever is necessary to remove this business from the city, the petition had 600-700 signatures. There are 2 issues that have been presented, the first being the poorly placed sign in front of the Owatonna Family Restaurant and the second being the actual business itself and the image it gives the city. The city and council feels we would have been unable to prevent this business from locating in Owatonna, the city can use zoning to dictate where they may be, but cannot simply ban their existence. The sign issue is essentially a civil matter between two property owners sharing a sign pole.
It appears that Jay Clark (the lion's den property owner) has violated the agreement with the restaurant property owners and the city has no control of how they resolve the issue at this point.
Consent agenda contained the usual committe reports and minutes and some permits. The resolutions all passed as well, including approval of the plat for the new Kwik Trip store on Mineral Springs Road.
The June 1st meeting would have been pretty quick and standard except for our newest business addition to the area. First off, the new interim police chief was sworn in. We did a first reading of a proposed ordinance change with regard to real property sale/purchase. This was followed by the hearing on some curb and gutter assessments. Tucker Carlson from Charter Communications discussed some improvements in service.
Then came the issue of the evening, The Lion's Den. There was a lengthy public comment on the business. Council was presented with a petition to do whatever is necessary to remove this business from the city, the petition had 600-700 signatures. There are 2 issues that have been presented, the first being the poorly placed sign in front of the Owatonna Family Restaurant and the second being the actual business itself and the image it gives the city. The city and council feels we would have been unable to prevent this business from locating in Owatonna, the city can use zoning to dictate where they may be, but cannot simply ban their existence. The sign issue is essentially a civil matter between two property owners sharing a sign pole.
It appears that Jay Clark (the lion's den property owner) has violated the agreement with the restaurant property owners and the city has no control of how they resolve the issue at this point.
Consent agenda contained the usual committe reports and minutes and some permits. The resolutions all passed as well, including approval of the plat for the new Kwik Trip store on Mineral Springs Road.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Steele County Board Notes-May 25, 2010
-Southern MN Tourism Association funding request-Lisa Havelka, Tourism Director: typical support for the SMTA organization from the county has been $500, suggested investment is based on a population model that would put the cost at $1,600 to the county. Will wait on a decision in June after the management committee meeting.
-Prescription Drug Disposal, Dan McIntosh, Steele Co. Attorney: Develop a program to promote the proper disposal of medication to prevent the abuse and misuse of them. Other surrounding counties are currently conducting this type of program and are finding a large use for both the disposal of legal and illegal drugs. Costs are around $5,000 for disposal of the drugs. No decision on funding was made at this meeting.
-County Attorney Dan McIntosh gave a brief update on the attorney’s office. Christine Long was just moved to county bench so they will be filling that position soon. 1700 cases annually through their department. Goal for staff to cross train into different area of the department.
-Sheriff’s Cars, Steele co. sheriff & deputy: 3 new car dealerships in Steele Co. received the request for proposal; 2 of3 submitted bids. $21k average cost; compared cost with the state purchasing process. Costs similar. 2nd bid for another vehicle-sheriff proposes to wait until later this summer when there is a new state bid on the all wheel drive vehicles.
- Kelly Harder resignation: authorizing the process to hire a replacement discussed. Kelly is on the job until the beginning of July.
-DNR requested purchase of some land from the county. They need approval of the county board to make the purchase.
-Utilize courthouse location for tower for the 800MHz system.
Submitted by:
Brad Meier
-Prescription Drug Disposal, Dan McIntosh, Steele Co. Attorney: Develop a program to promote the proper disposal of medication to prevent the abuse and misuse of them. Other surrounding counties are currently conducting this type of program and are finding a large use for both the disposal of legal and illegal drugs. Costs are around $5,000 for disposal of the drugs. No decision on funding was made at this meeting.
-County Attorney Dan McIntosh gave a brief update on the attorney’s office. Christine Long was just moved to county bench so they will be filling that position soon. 1700 cases annually through their department. Goal for staff to cross train into different area of the department.
-Sheriff’s Cars, Steele co. sheriff & deputy: 3 new car dealerships in Steele Co. received the request for proposal; 2 of3 submitted bids. $21k average cost; compared cost with the state purchasing process. Costs similar. 2nd bid for another vehicle-sheriff proposes to wait until later this summer when there is a new state bid on the all wheel drive vehicles.
- Kelly Harder resignation: authorizing the process to hire a replacement discussed. Kelly is on the job until the beginning of July.
-DNR requested purchase of some land from the county. They need approval of the county board to make the purchase.
-Utilize courthouse location for tower for the 800MHz system.
Submitted by:
Brad Meier
Friday, May 28, 2010
May 2010 Talk of the Town
Chamber President Brad Meier discusses new laws on business contribution to elections, our Grow MN! program, hanging flower baskets, the upcoming Harry Wenger Marching Band Festival, the Ringhofer Scholarship and three U of M studies for economic development efforts in Owatonna.
Special Member Guest: Jo Huntsman, Redbird Acupuncture.
Appx. 15 min
MP3 File
Special Member Guest: Jo Huntsman, Redbird Acupuncture.
Appx. 15 min
MP3 File
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Steele County Board Notes-April 27, 2010
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is to become more active and involved on the County level. Volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
Steele County Commissioners Committee MeetingApril 27, 2010 - 3:00pmThe meeting started with an update from Brad Carlson and staff of the U of M Extension with an update on what services they provide and how their county funds are being spent. Emphasis on investment in youth with 4-H programs and master gardener program.Interesting demographics for Steele County:$161 million from farming in 200757 Dairy FarmsAverage age of farmer 55.5Discussion on the SE MN Emergency Joint Powers Board. Delegate and Alternate are needed. Mike Johnson is the delegate while a County Commissioner is appointed as Alternate. Suggestion that might be explored to flip/flop and have County Commissioner as main delegate so an elected official can make the call on grant money instead of a government employee.Piper Hills Campground discussed. Girls Scouts want to sell, still waiting on appraisal of property but County keeping this on their radar.South Country Health Alliance - Last three years have been very poor financially but with the hire of a new CFO and the help of the Finance Committee with Steve Rohlik they have turned this into a first quarter profit of $1.9 million and outlook is positive. That being said this Friday will be a telling day as two counties, including one with a large subscriber base, are considering withdrawing from the program for 2011. They have until noon on Friday to decide. If they do not re-up that will be another hurdle to overcome. The general discussion remained positive with emphasis that County Based Purchasing is an excellent model and that Federal Health Reform aligns with many of things they are already doing.
Steele County Commissioners Committee MeetingApril 27, 2010 - 3:00pmThe meeting started with an update from Brad Carlson and staff of the U of M Extension with an update on what services they provide and how their county funds are being spent. Emphasis on investment in youth with 4-H programs and master gardener program.Interesting demographics for Steele County:$161 million from farming in 200757 Dairy FarmsAverage age of farmer 55.5Discussion on the SE MN Emergency Joint Powers Board. Delegate and Alternate are needed. Mike Johnson is the delegate while a County Commissioner is appointed as Alternate. Suggestion that might be explored to flip/flop and have County Commissioner as main delegate so an elected official can make the call on grant money instead of a government employee.Piper Hills Campground discussed. Girls Scouts want to sell, still waiting on appraisal of property but County keeping this on their radar.South Country Health Alliance - Last three years have been very poor financially but with the hire of a new CFO and the help of the Finance Committee with Steve Rohlik they have turned this into a first quarter profit of $1.9 million and outlook is positive. That being said this Friday will be a telling day as two counties, including one with a large subscriber base, are considering withdrawing from the program for 2011. They have until noon on Friday to decide. If they do not re-up that will be another hurdle to overcome. The general discussion remained positive with emphasis that County Based Purchasing is an excellent model and that Federal Health Reform aligns with many of things they are already doing.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
U.S. Chamber's Doctors' Exodus: Fact and Fact
Check out the U.S. Chamber's post on a recent presentation made in Owatonna:
Friday, April 09, 2010
Legislative Update
At today's legislative update given by the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, a couple key points were given:
a) State legislators will decide if they will reapply for the federal 'Race to the Top' grant by April 15th.
b) Expect work to start on a tax omnibus bill the week of April 19th. They don't anticipate major tax increases.
The deficit breaks down like this:
$994 M shortfall
-$312 M in cuts
-$147 M savings from new GMAC agreement
-$408M from Federal Government (possible, but not a sure deal)
This leaves $127M to be cut by the end of the session. If the federal dollars don't come through, the gap is $535M. These numbers aren't as bad as they could've been and should be solved without increasing the tax burden.
a) State legislators will decide if they will reapply for the federal 'Race to the Top' grant by April 15th.
b) Expect work to start on a tax omnibus bill the week of April 19th. They don't anticipate major tax increases.
The deficit breaks down like this:
$994 M shortfall
-$312 M in cuts
-$147 M savings from new GMAC agreement
-$408M from Federal Government (possible, but not a sure deal)
This leaves $127M to be cut by the end of the session. If the federal dollars don't come through, the gap is $535M. These numbers aren't as bad as they could've been and should be solved without increasing the tax burden.
Monday, March 29, 2010
How Will State Balance Budget?
The state legislature is working to balance $700M in deficit, so how will they do it?
The good news is that they don't seem to have plans on tax increases. Here's an educated guess by people who work at the capitol on how this might end:
$400M-Federal Dollars
$150M-Savings from new GMAC Bill
$150M-Cut from Health & Human Services
You can keep score from home. We'll see how this ends up!
The good news is that they don't seem to have plans on tax increases. Here's an educated guess by people who work at the capitol on how this might end:
$400M-Federal Dollars
$150M-Savings from new GMAC Bill
$150M-Cut from Health & Human Services
You can keep score from home. We'll see how this ends up!
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Steele County Board Notes-Feb. 23, 2010
A part of the OACCT's Public Policy efforts for 2010 is to become more active and involved on the County level. Volunteers from the Public Policy committee attend both City and County meetings and report back on items that are of interest/concern to business.
County Commissioner Meeting
Tuesday, February 23rd
The commission reviewed the Agricultural Vulnerability assessment. They discussed the responsibility of FEMA and the county when it comes to the compost of dead animals during a disaster and the responsibility of pets. All groups were in agreement it is best to review who is in charge before a manmade or natural disaster to ensure there are not six people thinking they are in charge when they show up during a disaster.
County Appraiser reviewed the plan for an updated ariel surveying photos of the county. The estimate if done the same as ten years ago it would cost $209,000. If they do 25 square miles it would be $8,400. The department had a 10 year and 5year plan for the photos. They would use compliance money for the photography and not general fund. They can get the same photos for $49,000.
The county needed to decide between black and white and color and they would be asking for a contribution from the city of $15,000 or 20% whichever is less. They received 11 bids and they recommended Aerometrics.
They reviewed the auditors petty cash and added it to the annual procedure checklist to ensure resolutions are on the record. They would be auditing a couple areas each year. Primaries will be held in August. They have been unselected as an ELS agent and will no longer sell licenses at the auditors office. They make 160 sales a year and half of them are special licenses. People will have to get them at the other locations throughout town.
SHIP is on the block by the governor. They would like to hire someone to work 15 hours a week from her home to help with the MRC grant. They would like to file for a PHER competitive grant to help with N1H1. It would have to be used or obligated to spend the money by June 30th. The grant is $38,000. She needed approval from the board to go ahead with the application and to let her know what they should spend the money on. They discussed a badging system and the purchase of a van to assist with travel and carrying items to and from the N1H1 clinics. They have had problems with the badging system they currently have and were waiting for the regional center to decide if they would be using a new badging system. They chose the badging system.
ELC alliance plans for the district center approved by the end of March. The existing radio wil be off on December 31. Need to move to an 800 megahertz system. It will involve the city park and rec and utilities departments.
The county redesign is proceeding they were going to go over it at the 7:00pm session. They have developed a 10 point redesign plan. They claim it will cut One Billion dollars.
Meeting was adjourned.
County Commissioner Meeting
Tuesday, February 23rd
The commission reviewed the Agricultural Vulnerability assessment. They discussed the responsibility of FEMA and the county when it comes to the compost of dead animals during a disaster and the responsibility of pets. All groups were in agreement it is best to review who is in charge before a manmade or natural disaster to ensure there are not six people thinking they are in charge when they show up during a disaster.
County Appraiser reviewed the plan for an updated ariel surveying photos of the county. The estimate if done the same as ten years ago it would cost $209,000. If they do 25 square miles it would be $8,400. The department had a 10 year and 5year plan for the photos. They would use compliance money for the photography and not general fund. They can get the same photos for $49,000.
The county needed to decide between black and white and color and they would be asking for a contribution from the city of $15,000 or 20% whichever is less. They received 11 bids and they recommended Aerometrics.
They reviewed the auditors petty cash and added it to the annual procedure checklist to ensure resolutions are on the record. They would be auditing a couple areas each year. Primaries will be held in August. They have been unselected as an ELS agent and will no longer sell licenses at the auditors office. They make 160 sales a year and half of them are special licenses. People will have to get them at the other locations throughout town.
SHIP is on the block by the governor. They would like to hire someone to work 15 hours a week from her home to help with the MRC grant. They would like to file for a PHER competitive grant to help with N1H1. It would have to be used or obligated to spend the money by June 30th. The grant is $38,000. She needed approval from the board to go ahead with the application and to let her know what they should spend the money on. They discussed a badging system and the purchase of a van to assist with travel and carrying items to and from the N1H1 clinics. They have had problems with the badging system they currently have and were waiting for the regional center to decide if they would be using a new badging system. They chose the badging system.
ELC alliance plans for the district center approved by the end of March. The existing radio wil be off on December 31. Need to move to an 800 megahertz system. It will involve the city park and rec and utilities departments.
The county redesign is proceeding they were going to go over it at the 7:00pm session. They have developed a 10 point redesign plan. They claim it will cut One Billion dollars.
Meeting was adjourned.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Coffee With the Legislators
At the Chamber's "Coffee With the Legislators" on 1/28/10, an interesting legislative session was described and discussed. Newly elected Senator Mike Parry was out of town, and unable to attend the event, so Rep. Kory Kath presented the outlook starting with the bonding bill.
Even years represent perhaps the 'easier' of the two legislative sessions because it's not a budget year. Despite that, a bonding bill impacts the budget and this year the experts, including Rep. Kath, believe the bill will end up being near $1B. In addition to the bonding bill, several other topics were covered:
Education-there was a funding shift last year that forced school districts to borrow money until the state paid them, now the state is holding back payments to schools in the short term to cover additional shortfalls. The hope here is that the state will receive Federal 'Race to the Top' grant money to off set some of the dollar shortfalls our schools are seeing.
Angel Investor Tax Credit-Rep. Kath brought this topic up and it was timely. Recently we know of at least 3 businesses who've left Minnesota for Wisconsin because of investor tax credits. We believe MN should have this incentive to keep small business growing here versus moving to neighboring states.
Nuclear Ban-Rep. Kath is open to discussing nuclear for power generation in Minnesota, however he said he'll need to see the numbers that show it is economically the right thing to do. The Chamber supports repealing the nuclear ban.
Capital Equipment tax credit-allowing businesses to take the tax credit at the time of a capital purchase, versus the current law that forces businesses to wait until they file their taxes. Also an item the Chamber wants passed this session.
Tax Structure Change-Rep. Kath believes our reliance on property taxes has grown so much that it is beginning to be unfairly balanced. Structural change of the tax system is something he is open to, but he understands the reality politically is that this concept has small chance right now.
The 2010 legislature starts on February 4th. We'll keep you up to date on the top business issues and ask for your voice when needed.
Even years represent perhaps the 'easier' of the two legislative sessions because it's not a budget year. Despite that, a bonding bill impacts the budget and this year the experts, including Rep. Kath, believe the bill will end up being near $1B. In addition to the bonding bill, several other topics were covered:
Education-there was a funding shift last year that forced school districts to borrow money until the state paid them, now the state is holding back payments to schools in the short term to cover additional shortfalls. The hope here is that the state will receive Federal 'Race to the Top' grant money to off set some of the dollar shortfalls our schools are seeing.
Angel Investor Tax Credit-Rep. Kath brought this topic up and it was timely. Recently we know of at least 3 businesses who've left Minnesota for Wisconsin because of investor tax credits. We believe MN should have this incentive to keep small business growing here versus moving to neighboring states.
Nuclear Ban-Rep. Kath is open to discussing nuclear for power generation in Minnesota, however he said he'll need to see the numbers that show it is economically the right thing to do. The Chamber supports repealing the nuclear ban.
Capital Equipment tax credit-allowing businesses to take the tax credit at the time of a capital purchase, versus the current law that forces businesses to wait until they file their taxes. Also an item the Chamber wants passed this session.
Tax Structure Change-Rep. Kath believes our reliance on property taxes has grown so much that it is beginning to be unfairly balanced. Structural change of the tax system is something he is open to, but he understands the reality politically is that this concept has small chance right now.
The 2010 legislature starts on February 4th. We'll keep you up to date on the top business issues and ask for your voice when needed.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Representative Kath-2010 Session Start
District 26 A Representative Kory Kath gives a brief update on what's happening at the Captiol as well as the bonding bill.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
State Senate 26 Candidate Forum
Listen to the forum responses with candidates Jason Engbrecht (D), Mike Parry (R) and Roy Srp (I).
Forum was held January 18th, 2010 by the OACCT, Owatonna People's Press and the Early and Noon Rotary Clubs.
MP3 File
Forum was held January 18th, 2010 by the OACCT, Owatonna People's Press and the Early and Noon Rotary Clubs.
MP3 File
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