City Council Meeting: May 6, 2009; 7 PM
Reported: Stephen O’Connor, Owatonna Public Schools-OACCT Public Policy Committee
Agenda Items of Business Interest:
3.2B-Proposal for Intersection Studies by Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. at St. Paul Road and 26th Street NE and at CSAH 23 and 46th Street NW.
--Approved to enter an intersection study agreement with Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. at the intersection of 26th St. NE and St. Paul Rd. due to the new aquatic center activity.
3.3E- Award Engineering Services for Option 8 storm sewer trunkline.
--Approved and awarded to low bid. After considerable discussion regarding the two bids submitted, the mayor read a letter to council from a resident offering to compensate the city for the difference between the bids in an effort to encourage the council to award the work to the firm providing the higher bid. In the end the council voted to award contract to low bid.
3.4A-Final consideration of Proposed Ordinance No. 8/09 (1444) – Amending Chapter VIII of the City Charter pertaining to limiting appointments to city boards and commissions to city residents.
--Approved amending chapter VII of the city chapter pertaining to limiting appointments to city board and commissions to city residents
3.5B-Resolution No. 27-09 – Approving plans and specifications and ordering advertisement for bids for 2009 storm water treatment and detention ponds project.
--Approved to send bids for the construction of a federally mandated treatment facility be constructed to treat stormwater watershed from the reconstruction of 26th St. NE from N Cedar Ave. to Keyon Rd this summer. Two treatment and detention ponds are planned for construction this summer at he intersection of 26th St. NE and St. Paul Rd.
3.5c-Resolution No. 28-09 – Accepting bid and awarding contract for 2009 Wastewater Treatment Facility expansion and upgrade project.
--Approved to give bid to lowest bidder, Magney Construction from Chanhassen, MN. Bid is 22.9% under estimated budget costs.
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